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Sophie's POV

"Mmmmm" I open my eyes to see Zach staring at me. I stare into his mesmerizing brown eyes and he stares into mine.

"Good morning babe." He whispers and I smile. I'm finally 17. I have a feeling that this will be the best year of my life.

"Good morning. I'm hungry." I blurt out letting my thoughts take control. Zach giggles and sighs.

"Well then, let's eat." He says and gets out of the bed. I am instantly cold without his heat under then blankets. I sit up and forget I do not have any clothes on, whoops.. I look at Zach and neither does he... whoops.

It's starting to become comfortable for me to see him without clothes. I mean come on, who else gets to get that view? No one.

He goes into the bathroom and I decide to wear one of his shirts. I haven't in a while, so it will be a nice treat. I put one of his white shirts on and a pair of gray knit shorts. The shirt covers my shorts entirely; it's like a dress. I put my hair in a bun and grab my phone. As I open it, Zach emerges from the bathroom. His eyes widen when he sees me and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. He strides up to me and if looks could kill, I would be dead by now. "Babe you don't know what you're doing to me." He moans and rubs the fabric of the shirt in between his thumb and forefinger. I just chuckle and stand up. He runs his hand down my waist and he grabs my ass. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. I look at him and he looks at me the same way. I lean in and he does too, when the door busts open revealing a distracted Jack.

"Yo guys we're going out to breakfast if you want to-" He looks up and Zach and I freeze. Jack has a look of straight fear and discomfort in his eyes as no one says anything. He slowly backs out of the room and I fall into a fit of giggles. Awkward..

"Well that was awkward." Zach chimes and I laugh.

"Yeah. I'm going to get changed." I say and walk towards the closet.

"But the thing I'm craving isn't on any menu.." Zach smirks and looks me up and down. I blush instantly and walk further. I am so tempted right now, but I am also hungry.

"Maybe later." I say as my hands trail along the hangers. I pick out a white adidas crop top with black jeans and matching shoes. I put my hair into a bun and walk back into the room. Zach is wearing a white adidas shirt with black jeans and his favorite white and black checkered vans. I giggle and he snaps his head towards me.

"Did you match me on purpose?" He asks.

"Sure." I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room. I head downstairs to be greeted by Kenz.


"Hey Kenz. What's up?"

"Nothing really. We're just waiting for Jonah and we will leave." I nod and walk over to Daniel. He is sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. I get the sudden urge to throw a pillow at him, so I grab the closest one and chuck it at him. It hits him on his arm and he flinches.

"Why did you do that?!" He wines and I laugh hysterically. "It's not funny!" He yells while trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh yeah?" I tease.

"Yes actually. Feel my WRATH." He yells and grabs the pillow. I sprint away and run out back. Daniel is in hot pursuit and I feel the pillow hit my back. I stumble forward and land on the ground. Luckily I used my arm to break the fall, and for once I didn't break anything. Usually whenever I get injured, we have to go to the hospital.. I don't have a great track record I guess. "Holy shit! I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard!" Daniel worries and I shrug.

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