Lip Bite

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"It was-" I am cut off by Jack falling to the ground.

"Jack?? Jack?? Yo Jack??" Jonah says as he shakes him. What just happened?? I run over to him and check his pulse. He still had a pulse so I tell the guys to set him on the couch and put a cold towel on his head. They do as I say and I sit back. Moments later he opens his eyes and sits up. We all sigh in relief as he looks around.

"Yo what just happened?" He asks and we all shrug.

"I don't know but I though we would have had to go back to the hospital! We were literally just there!" I say and they all laugh.

"You never told us who you though it was.." He says and I sit back.

"I don't think it's this person, I know it's this person. It was the Chipotle worker." I say and Daniel balls up his fist. Zach's face turns red. Everyone else just looks at me with wide eyes.

"Why do you say so?" Zach asks eagerly and distressed.

"The note said:

You're not taken now are you Sophie

You're mine now Sophie

Sophie told the guy that she was taken, as she kissed me in front of him." Daniel says and everyone looks between Zach, Daniel, and I.

"It's cool, it was all fake." I say and they all nod.

"That son of a bitch will die if I ever see him." Kenzie says. We all start laughing as we sit on the couch.

"And that is why you won't." I say and she looks at me weirdly.

"I'm going tomorrow and Daniel I need you to send those pictures to me.."

"We wanted you to be at the studio when we recorded your song.." Corbyn says.

"That's really sweet, but it's your song now." I say and Zach shakes his head.

"Why don't we go with you?" Zach suggests and I look at him. He is sitting next to me staring at me intently. That would actually be good because they saw me after the incident, and Daniel can help with the worker point.

"That's actually a great idea. Why don't I come with you guys to record and do you think we could go to the police station afterwards?" I ask.

"Of course" Daniel says.

"Yes" Corbyn and Jack say.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Says Jonah.

"It's the least we can do." Zach says and I smile.

"Okay.. Then it's settled. I'm bored now, do you guys want to play a game?" I ask and they all nod.

"Let's do truth or dare." Kenzie suggests and I look at Jonah. His eyes land on mine and we both start laughing. Zach looks at me weirdly and Daniel gives me a dirty side eye. I sit in between Zach and Daniel. Kenzie starts and asks, "Sophie, truth or dare?"

"Umm dare." I say and the boys ooh.

"I dare you to kiss Zach right here, right now." She says and I look at Zach.

"That's easy!" I say and look at him. I lean in and so does he. We kiss for about five seconds before Zach gets hit with a pillow. He doesn't let go, and I still kiss him. He guides me to the ground and is on top of me, still kissing me. I feel pillows being thrown at us as the others are all yelling at us to 'get a room'. I break the kiss and start laughing.

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