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(OKAY quick A/N bc why not?? we are almost at 500 VIEWS I'm crying omg you guys are the best ILYYYY okay here's the chapter byeeee)

Sophie's POV

I open my eyes and look around my room. Daniel and Jonah are passed out in the chairs. I thought Corbyn and Jack were in here?? Oh well, I guess they left. They look so peaceful sleeping. I look around for my phone and I see it on the side table. I try to grab it, but my whole body aches in pain. I whimper and lay back down. Jonah opens his eyes and sits up. He has horrible bedhead, even from sitting in a chair. I start to giggle and he looks at me confused. "Hey Sophie! What's so funny?" He asks and I point to his hair. He opens his phone to his camera and starts to laugh. "Oh, that's funny." He says and I sigh and smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. I can tell they lowered my dosage because I feel more of the pain, but I want to get out of here so I'm not complaining." I say. That is the truth. I was so drugged up last night I can barely remember what happened. Hopefully I didn't say any stupid shit. UGH

"I understand that." He says and Daniel opens his eyes.

"Sorry to wake you sleeping beauty." I say to him and he giggles softly.

"Hey Sophie, how are you?" He asks genuinely.

"I'm okay. Do I feel great?? No. Will I be okay?? Yes." I say.

"I'm glad you have good spirits. We are all really sorry that happened, especially Zach." He says and I look at him strangely. I haven't seen him since before the accident. 

"Where is he? He hasn't come into my room at all since I've been here." I say and their faces drop. "Why? Is he okay?? Did something happen to him?? Oh God if something happened t-" I panic and my heart rate goes up.

"Sophie it's okay! He is fine nothing happened to him. Goodness gracious you two are perfect for each other." Jonah says hurried and I take a deep breath.

"Okay, but why hasn't he come in here yet?" I ask, still receiving no answer.

"He did, last night around 1 in the morning. Do you not remember?" Daniel asks and I shake my head. I have no recollection of him being in here. I guess I was either sleeping, or I just got my medicine. They both sigh and look at each other.

"Do you want him to come in?" Jonah continues and I sit for a second. Am I really ready to see him? Am I ready to see his face. I bet he looks fine, while I look like this. I am still angry at him for not believing me, but I do love him; even though I haven't even told him yet. Yes ladies and gentlemen you heard it here first, I am in love with Zach Herron. I need to talk to him sometime.. Suck it up Sophie and just do it.

"Yeah, and if you don't mind, can we be alone, just Zach and I?" I ask.

"Of course.. We'll be right back." Jonah says and they walk out of the room. I wish I could follow their steps. Get up and leave this hell hole. I just want to go home; I hate being here. I just want everything to back to the way it was. I want to be able to be free.

I start to hum the boy's song free, and then I start singing it. Not too loud, but loud enough for it to be audible. I get to the chorus and I hear a deeper voice singing with me. It sounds very very familiar, but I can't pinpoint it. I look around and see no one there. I guess it is one of my neighbors in the hospital? I finish the song and my nurse claps and enters the room. "You guys are very good at singing!" She cheers and I look at the door. Zach appears from the door frame and smiles at me. Even though I am mad at him, his smile makes me happy, every damn time.

I knew the voice sounded familiar. He is wearing his typical white t-shirt and black jeans. He has his black and white checkered vans on. His hair is flattened and his face, oh his face. His eyes are red and puffy, with dark bags lingering below them. He looks at me and smiles. "I'm glad to see you awake babe." He says as he enters my room. He walks up to my bed and leans in. What does he think he's doing?? I dodge his attempt and he is taken aback. "What's wrong?" He asks.

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