The BEST Deaths Ever Known!

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Alright, so picking up from the last chapter, I listed some of the worst ways that you could die. BUUT lets lighten the mood and talk about the BEST ways to die! Of course I wouldn't want to die right now, but if I had to go, this is a list of ways I would probably choose if I could.
ASDFGHJKL; ...sorry I was bored. Anyways, let's start with the list.


Joyness Overload
You get SO happy you die.

Natural causes
Probably old age

Dying in your sleep
Not screaming like everyone else in the car.

Mayonnaise inhalation
It can be deadly in large quantities.

Being covered with tuna and thrown into a pit of hungry kittens
Aw, they're so cu-AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!

Ripping your own brain stem out

Thousands of them.

Getting caught in the midst of the launch of July 4th fireworks
JIMMY, NOO--would ya look at that!

Playing The Sims
When your computer crashes, you get a heart attack.

Running with scissors
Die a rebel's death.

Getting in a gunfight with the Pope.
Although history says you'll be sent to hell.


Alright, enough with the death jokes. To conclude this marathon of the dying jokes, on a serious note, DO NOT come back and haunt me if any of this happens to you. Just sayin.

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