Story Ideas for the Stumped

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" Nyaaa I need an idea for a new story !!! " she said. WELL FEAR NO MORE YOUNG PEASANT.

Sooo I was messaging a certain Wattpad user (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE NIGGA) about story ideas, and was suggested to add it as a chapter for anyone else's references. So here. Here ya go. Brosephs. Homeboys. Homegirls. Homies.


Well, not really a warning, per se, but a heads-up. You probably will hate these ideas. You might like them. I won't fill them in with too much detail since it's mainly all up to you about how the story goes down obviously. *less than three*.

1) A fanfiction with a crazy TWIST. 

If you're the type that likes making fanfics, (like me lol) but you're bored of making the common 'love story' and 'happily ever after', then add a totally unexpected twist. Maybe one of the characters can see ghosts or is one themselves. Maybe theyre from middle earth. Like an elf or monster or something. Maybe a character is apart of a cult of somesort. Maybe the person goes to your school and is the bully. Maybe you're a celebrity and you need to hide any contact between someone. Maybe someone has a weird disability. Or schizophrenia. Maybe choose to people to cast in as characters that would be somewhat surprising. Maybe one of the characters are living in poverty. Maybe one of them is the troublemaker type, or the 'nerd.' If you're making a romance, try basing it off a classic story from a total modern point of view, such as the little mermaid ... with a similar situation minus the mermaid part... replace that aspect with another huge detail. Maybe base it all off of a hallucination, maybe like Alice in Wonderland.

2) A twelve year old girl that had been living a life as a neglected foster child runs away one evening when she's finally had enough of a lifelong struggle. Without a penny in her pocket or a jacket on her back, she scrounges up for scraps in dumpsters and finds shelter in an alley downtown, with a tent built of rags, loose metal scrap, and boxes that have been thrown out. One stormy night, a teenage girl appears, threatening to kill her. After realizing the poor state the young girl is in, she stops and explains that she is apart of a secret squad to keep the city safe- almost like a guardian angel. The young girl takes her hand and joins into a clique of special "angels" in attempt to leave her old life behind.

3) A typical pretty teen girl that spent way too much time on the Internet one day learns the dangers of it. One day after posting a quick status update of her location, she goes down to the bus stop and waits for the bus to come. Before she knew it, she was snatched out of sight ... 

Idea for a book 2?  

The teen finally makes a brave and triumphant escape from a hideaway a whole state away from home. With no money, a phone, or anything, she's forced to make a treacherous journey through places she's never known. Along the way, she meets a guy... a guy who she falls in love with. She makes up a lie because she doesn't want to spill the huge secret of what had happened to her in hopes he would'nt think shes weird and turn away.

4) A girl who was born in a laboratory and kept under close study was nothing like anyone else. At the age of 3, she was quickly handed off to a foster mom whom she grew very close with. In attempts to raise her fosterchild as normal as possible, the fostermother keeps everything a secret. Fast forward into teen years. She still has never known about her past. She has a tattoo - burn imprint along her forearm in the shape of a triangle, that she had been convinced was just an odd birthmark, when in reality, it contains an invisible barcode within it that indicates her 'type.' She's not human like the rest of us. She's something horrifically different, masked by a beautiful face. She's something even she's yet to discover. Until one day, a worker from the lab way back then recognizes the mark on her arm in a public place, when she decides to tell her the truth of her background... something horrendous. . . Ink cursed, she is. She sets out to discover a way to get it to disapear, which will turn her back to normal. Turning away from her foster mom from betrayal, she goes on an adventure. However when she finally does get to rid herself of her other side, will she do it? Or will she be letting go of a part of herself?

5) An 18 year old drinker one day makes a terrible decision of getting into a car bring driven by her fellow drunk peers. They get in a tragic accident, and she's taken up to heaven. There in heaven, with her wings as an angel, she stirs up trouble and gets kicked out, back to Earth as a mortal, stripped of her wings as a street junkie. There she finds love, but her angel friends come and find her with news of a loophole they discovered. In order to get back into heaven, she has a choice. She'll have to kill someone she truly loves and never see them again or stay on Earth as a poor and stuggling human. She doesn't want to kill her true love, because she knows she'll be sperating him from everything like family and friends, From there she has to choose between true love and a divine life.

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