Chapter 1: First day of school.

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Narrator's point of view

"OKAY! CHOI MIN YOUNG! It's your first day of school. Promise yourself, that you won't let anyone bully like what people do when you were in secondary school." 

You set everything and wore your bag. Ready to go. 

You need to go to work at the cafeteria in Myeongdong which is quite far away from your school. What's the point? You're poor and everyone in your family have to go out and do part time work to raise the house after... 

Your 5 years old brother is missing.. 

You thought about it and your feeling saddened. 

But still. 

You wore a smile on your face and start the journey to your new school.

You were never greedy. You actually accept the fate of yours. You knew that why god do this to you. You brighten up yourself with your thoughts. You thought that God wanted to train you to be more mature and have the power to raise your own family.

You never blame god for doing this to you. You payed attention in class just to make yourself smarter and get a better job when you grow up.

Your house is not very far away from your school. You can reach there in 10 or 15 minutes by walking. 

You were about to reach your school. You can see there's a lot of expensive cars in front of the entrance of the school. You reached the entrance of the the school. Pupils start to eye you from head to toe. 

Girl 1- Who is she... She looks poor. 

Girl 2- Obviously she is. 

You didn't care about them until.. 

You saw a car drove inside the school. You stop there and you saw every girl run towards the car. And the next second you know is, your ear was about to blew up. 

"JB OPPA!" "OPPA SARANGHAEYO!" "OPPA BE MINE PLEASE!" Every girl in the school start screaming. You just turn around and walk to the information counter at the school main hall. 

"Hello, miss. What can I help you?" the worker stood up and asked you. 

"I'm a new student. My name is Choi Min Young. May I know where is my locker and my class?" you asked politely. 

"Sure. Wait a minute." she said and went inside the room. 

"Oh, you're Choi Min Young the new student?" an unfamiliar voice said.

You turned to the direction where the voice is and saw a teacher standing there. 

"Nice to meet you. Yes, I'm Choi Min Young." you said and bowed. "How polite. And ya, I'm Mrs Lee. Your form teacher." she said and you two shake hands together. 

The worker came out from the room and bowed to Mrs Lee. "Here you go, this is your schedule and I can show you your lock-" the worker's words is constantly cut by Mrs Lee's. "I'll show her. Min Young, follow me." 

Mrs Lee walked you to your locker and gave you the keys.

"Here. Oh, your class is 3-2. I'm going to teach you Maths." she smiled and excuse herself to somewhere. 

"Teachers here are great. Unlike those teachers in secondary school. Teachers there doesn't even glance at me." you thought and recalled the bad memories in primary school. 

You didn't have any friends back then. 

You was about to leave. But someone slammed your face with the locker door. 

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