Chapter 33: Trust.

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JB's point of view

"That's all. You all can go back now. We'll discuss about your dorms tomorrow." Manager-nim said. 

We all collapsed on the floor, panting heavily. 

"We did great today." Jinyoung said. 

"Yea. At least I get all the parts right." Youngjae said. 

"Oh yea, how's your new school?" I asked him and we sit in a circle. 

"Old times. I just met a few friends. They said they're trainees of Pledis Entertainment." he said. 

"Pledis?" Bambam asked. 

"I know someone from Pledis too." Bambam said. 

"In direct relationship huh?" Jinyoung said. 

"Hopefully we could have a collaboration after we debuted." Yugyeom said. 

"Kay so, I'm going back home now so. See ya tomorrow guys." I smiled and took my things.

"BYE HYUNG!" they said except for Mark. 

Probably Manager-nim told him to go somewhere god knows. 


Min Young's point of view

I told him that he don't have to fetch me back home from Hospital. 

I guess I will go to the convenient store and buy some Ramen and settle my own lunch since he will be at his company training. 

~Convenient store~ 

I think I should buy something for him then.. 

So that if he's hungry he could eat something. 

I bought a few of cup noddles for us because he said that he wanted to watch movies tonight.

 Maybe some popcorn. 

I smiled as I paid the things I bought and head straight home. 

7:00 pm |

I was siting on the couch in the living room after finishing some house work since Mrs Im gave a few of the maids a day off. 

Maybe heading somewhere to shopping. 

Eh? Speaking of shopping. 

I didn't go shop for clothes these days huh? 

I sighed. 

Must be these weeks had happened a lot of bad things. 

Should I then? 

~ XXX Mall ~

I walked into the mall and start searching for clothes. 

I don't know anything about fashion though. I just buy clothes when I needed it. 

I randomly bought a few over-sized T-shirts and bought a few ripped jeans and short pants. 

Third person's view

JB was about to go home but suddenly, someone blocked his way. 

"Oppa!" guess who? Jeong fvcking Mina again. 

"Huh?" he just manage to blurt out and Mina already cling on his hand. 

"You want to go hang out with me? Let's go grab something to eat!" she said. 

"Wh-" Mina cut his word off by pulling him in the car. 

They went to the mall that Min Young is in. 

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