Chapter 5: stUcK?

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JB's point of view

"How about.... Lock them in the class room?" Youngjae said as his plan was making the poor girl and Jungkook stuck in a classroom. 

"Nice plan?" Bambam said. "We first make something and let they two go inside the classroom and when the time is correct, we'll lock them inside and spread rumors around the school saying that Min Young is being with Jungkook just for money." I said. 

"Or set something in her locker.." Bambam said and me and Youngjae hit his arm playfully.

"For once you used your brain. Nice plan bro." Youngjae said and we laughed. 

~the next day in school~

Class is gonna end soon. In 10 minutes. Ms Lee didn't come to school today. So some students in class decided to go out for a walk or something. 

I didn't see Hyenee nor Mark is in the class. I guess they were absent? 

I saw Min Young siting there writing notes maybe? 

The bell rang and I walk towards the door to meet Youngjae and Bambam.

We ran to Min Young's locker as soon as possible since we saw her in the classroom just now. 

We were trying to set some tricks in her locker. As Bambam is trying to break her locker lock, I saw the guard coming towards us. 

I quickly signal them using my hands and they saw the guard coming to us. 

We ran separately until I saw a classroom which the door is still open. 

I ran inside the door and quickly close it. I lean against the door and sighed in relieve. 

"What are you doing?" I heard a nice and sweet girl voice. I turn to the direction where the voice came from and my face expression darken a bit. 

It's Min Young. 

Min Young's point of view


I was walking to school alone because Hyenee can't come to school because she is still sick. 

I went to my locker and took the things that I need for my first lesson. And suddenly.. someone pushed me on the floor. 

There are 3 girls standing in front of me. One in the middle folding her arms, one at the right side using sarcastic-pity-eyes looking at me and one is mouthing 'sorry' at me, if I am not wrong. 

"Stay away from JB oppa. He is mine. I don't want to hear any word from you because I can't understand trash from a poor girl. Fuck off." the middle girl said glaring at me. 

"ME? Flirting or whatever shit to him? Trash? It's just because you're too dumb to understand trash. Me, a poor girl. Yes. JB? A rich guy or I say a bully. WHY THE ACTUAL SHIT WILL I FALL IN LOVE WITH A BULLY?" I said and the girl pinned me on the lockers. 

"You know that the last girl who talked to me like this is no longer studying in this school?" she threatened me and we shoved our heads as we heard a mature male voice.

"Jeong Mina. Meet me in the discipline room now." Mr. Jack says. "Bu-" "NO buts. You're coming with me for threatening students." Mr Jack said and he pulled Mina out of the scene.

The other girl who seems to be Mina's helper glared at me and the other one mouthed sorry at me.

There was pupils gossiping in the hallway. I noticed that my arms have a lot of bruises that hurts a lot maybe it's because Mina gripping my arm too hard just not. I just shook it off as though I was used to it already.

Bully In Love | I.J.B ✔️Where stories live. Discover now