Chapter 37: Umbrella.

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"As a leader, I do constantly think about where fate 
will take us and will I be good enough to 
lead them to do it."


JB's point of view

"Eh? Yugyeom? Why did you come?" I asked. 

"Hyung just follow me." he pulled me to the car. 

Jinyoung started the car and we head to somewhere only they knows. 


He stopped in front of the hospital Min Young were hospitalized in. 

Yugyeom pulled me up to her room. 

"Look, Hyuna noona and me had to go home and take some rest. It's your responsibility to take good care of her." he said to me and I saw Hyuna came out. 

"I'll go now. Take care." she patted my shoulder and left. 

I put my hands on the door knock and I hesitated to go in. 

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. 

My heart ached as I saw lots of tubes connecting to her body.

I walked to her and sat on the bed. 

"I'm sorry.." I said. 

"Looks aegyo? You know I hate aegyo and you love my aegyos. How about.. if I did aegyo, you promise you must wake up immediately." I said. 

"I'm sowwwwiiii." I did an aegyo. 

But she still had no expression on her face. 

"Yah.." I shook her. 

"I love you." I leaned closer to her face. 

I pecked her lips. 

"Wake up, pig. You look old sleeping on the bed." I fake chuckled. 

"I'll go buy something. Wait for me." I said and kissed her forehead. 


Did I mention that it's winter now? 

I shoved my left hand in the pocket of my coat and my hand holding on the umbrella.

It's raining. Which made the weather even colder. 

Before I even realized, the rain gathered around my feet.

And tears are kept from falling are pooling in my eyes. 

You were the umbrella above me. 

You being by my side was a habit.

I can't live without you. 

The ground had gathered with the tears of sky. 

My cheeks get wet so easily. 

I'm one walking down the alley alone. 

There was two hearts under the umbrella. 

But there is no 'us' under the umbrella. 

The sounds of raindrops kissing the roof. Inside the deep pocket was I was the promise ring we bought together. 

Along with the overwhelming memory. 

I was in my house whole week. 

I haven't seen the city in a few days and it's already winter. 

I struggled from the pain but I'm still a chair with short legs. 

The umbrella was too small for us but big enough for one. 

But the umbrella shielded us from the cold world. 

But without you by my side, even if the sun is just right in front of me, I'm still cold.   

Your left shoulder are always so wet. 

I looked down on my feet. 

My shoe lace was untied, undone. 

But all that's surrounding me, was the rain, wind and snow.

Not even 'you' and not even a person would hold the umbrella for me for awhile.

Alone in the rain, 

Nothing but pain. 

That shadow under the rain is me. 

There is no 'us'. 

The answer was so lonely. 

Why isn't there a word that is complete opposite loneliness?

Is it because we have to experience what loneliness is? 

I walked in the convenient store. 

I found all of your favorite foods. 

It was sad that I knew you wouldn't eat it. 

But I still bought all your favorites. 

Mostly junk foods and there's no way I'll forget your banana milk right. 


I smiled to myself. 

I really hope that you will wake up because of me. 

But when something happened, it was meant to be happened. 

When there is hope, there is trials. 

I walked to her room and my smile faded. 

"I'm sorry. I tried my best."

Listen to 'Umbrella' by Rap Monster (RM) featuring Yuiko. 
^It's how I got my inspiration from. It was soothing and heartbreaking lol. I really love heartbreaking songs.
Okay guys, I had a feeling that I will go to school tomorrow.
But it's holiday.
I even almost asked my friend what should I bring to school yesterday.
2017 was my favorite year in my 13 years life.
Because I know more about kpop and especially bts, got7 and seventeen.
Because of her jaebum0116. She brought me into the inside kpop world.
I have to thank her though. 
This book is gonna end soon. 
Like how 2017 is gonna end soon too.
Christmas is coming YAYA
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holidayy
I'll update more these days. 
Vote and comment on my storyyy.
^^^^^^^^ read her stories. It's dang good trust meee

Ciao ciao~

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