Chapter 30: Everything is gonna be fine.

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Sorry for taking so long to update a chapter. 

Anyways, Enjoyyy


Min Young's point of view

"Doctor Lee wants to meet Choi Min Young." the nurse said.

"I'll keep you accompany." Bummie said. 

"We'll be there in a minute. Thanks." he then said without me replying. 

"Okay." the nurse then left. 

I sighed. 

"Can't believe right..." I said. 

"What.." he said and looked at me confusingly. 

"Everything happened in two days.." I said and fiddled with my fingers. 

He embraced me and caressed my hair. 

"Everything is going to be fine. I'm here for you anyways." he said and pulled away. 

He smiled at me. 

"Come, let's go to Doctor Lee's room." he said and took his crutches. 

{Imagine that his clothes are in the patient clothes (I don't know how you say that lol)}

{Imagine that his clothes are in the patient clothes (I don't know how you say that lol)}

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{Poor JB TT}

I stood up from the bed and helped Bummie to walk since I'm quite okay for now. 

We walked towards Dr. Lee's room and I knocked the door. 

"Come in!" 

Bummie opened the door and we two smiled at Dr. Lee. 

"Annyeonghaseyo." we two said in unison. 

"Annyeonghaseyo. Please take a seat." he said.

"Um. The reason I called you here is because of your brother Choi Hau Rin's current condition." I nodded. 

I felt a hand intertwined with mine. It was Bummie's one of course. 

"Well, you mother Lee Ki Soo had committed suicide and took Choi Hau Rin with her too. Fortunately, Hau Rin landed on her mom's chest. Well, because of a 7 years old boy couldn't handle too much pressure and this cause him to have a brain damage. His mental age will only remain at 4 years old. I'm sorry to say this but.. There is not cure to heal him. I've tried my best. I'm sorry." Dr Lee said as tears threatening to fall out my eyes. 

"I will... Accept it. Thanks Dr Lee. You've tried your best to save my brother. Thank you for not giving up my brother." I said and force a smile. 

"The nurse will tell you Choi Hau Rin's room number after we set him in a room. He will be in a coma at first but hope that he will wake up as soon as possible. You could go and take a rest now you two." Dr Lee said and bowed. 

We two bowed and I helped Bummie to stand. 

"Thanks." Bummie said and we went out. 

"Min Young-ah, sorry.." he muttered but it's enough for me to hear. 

"What? Sorry for what?" I asked. 

"If it isn't this bullet shot into my leg, I'll be taking care of your mom and your brother..." he said. 

"Oh.. No. It's okay. It's not your fault." I smiled at him. 

We two left a deep sigh. I brought Bummie to his room and then left to my room. 

I sat on the bed and sighed. 

A tear rolled down my cheeks. 

I didn't want to wipe it off... I'm just letting it flow... 

I guess I just have to work harder to make money to take care of Hau Rin.. 

Suddenly the face of my mom popped in my mind. 

"Although you doesn't treat me like how you treat Hau Rin, I still miss you two.." I muttered. 

"I miss you Appa, Omma. I'm sorry for pulling the trigger.." 

"I'm.. A psycho.. A sinner.." 

"I won't forgive myself." 

"God won't forgive my sin.. Never.." 

I laid on the bed and drifted off to sleep. 

~to be continued~ 


Kay guys. I know this is a short chapter and I'm sorry because I ran out of ideas...

I couldn't think a thing so.. I'm sorry.. 

But please enjoy this chapter and more happy and sad chapters coming soon. 

Feel free to VOTEE and COMMENT. 


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