Chapter 22: Found?

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Min Young's point of view

Hyuna is a good person. 

She is really pretty HAHA. 

But what makes me frustrated is... 

Have I seen her before in the past? 

I guess not. 

"Aye?" JB waved his hand in front of my face. 

"What?" I asked him and look down. 

"I haven't finish yet. You ate all my ice cream!" he yelled and start tickling me again. 

We two actually have a great date together today. 

~the next day~ 

I woke up and saw him sleeping beside me. 

I caressed his cheeks and.. suddenly let down. 


Why will a rich guy date a poor girl? 

I sighed. What makes him likes me? 

I was about to get off the bed until JB pull me back on the bed and wrapped me with his hand.

"Yah~ Where you going..." he muttered and place his head at the crook of my neck. 

"It's 7 am already." I said. 

"It's Sunday already." he said and chuckled. 

"Stay with me for a little while.." he said and went back to sleep. 

I leaned my head on his chest. 

Maybe he really likes me because of my attitude or? 

Who knows. 

He might doesn't even know why himself likes me. 

Ring Ring

My phone ranged. 

It's an unknown number. 

I reached my hand for my phone. It's difficult because he's wrapping his arms around me. 

Finally. I got it. 


"Yeoboseyo? Is this Choi Min Young?" 

"Yes it is. May I know who are you?" 

"I'm Hyuna. The girl you met yesterday." 

"Oh Kim Hyuna right? Yes I remember you. So why did you call?" 

"It's like that. I would like to tell you this in person. It's very important." 

"Oh okay. Where should we meet then?" 

"At XXXX restaurant. I'll meet you there at 1 pm." 

"Okay sure. By the way, how did you get my number?" 

"Oh I asked JB. Sorry ya."

"Nah it's okay."

"Sorry to trouble you this early in the morning." 

"Oh no. I just woke up so ya. Bye then. See you later." 

"See you later." 

She hung up. 

I then laid back on the bed. 

"Who is that?" he suddenly shot his eyes open. 

"I guess you heard? It's Hyuna." I said. 

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