Chapter 15: Safe.

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JB's point of view

It's already 6:46 pm. Min Young might finished her work now... 

Should I go take her home since I just make her ran out of the house....



She's your maid. She did something wron- Oh, no.. She didn't do anything wrong... 


The one who did something wrong is you Im Jae Bum. 

Seriously like.. FORGET IT. 

I'm bringing her home. 

I walked outside and jogged to the cafe she's working at. 


"Min Young!" I shouted and she turn her head towards me. 

Oh, and Eunha.

"BUMMIE!!!!" Eunha first run towards me and give me a tight hug. 

I was shocked at first but I just hugged back. 

"I missed you... your mom and auntie! I didn't get to say a good bye to Auntie that day and I just went off like that." Eunha pout. 

"Then how about you go to his house first?" Min Young's voice popped up. 

"Oh yea sure, you okay with it?" Eunha asked me and I just slightly nodded. 

"JB, bring Eunha home first. I have something to do. I promised I'll be there before 8 pm." Min Young said and waved at me and Eunha, she then just went off.

I'm supposed to bring her home. Not Eunha..

I broke the silence. "Shall we go now?" 

"Yea sure." she simply replied. 

On the way to my house, we talked and laughed all the way. 

"So... How's you and your boyfriend?" I asked. "Oh, we broke up after I went to New York. You? Still have feelings for me heh?" she smirked. 

"OH mai. How do you know? And no. I don't have feelings for you anymore. I'm trying to move on of someone now..." I said to her. 

"Who?" she asked and look at me. "Erm... You know... Hyenee." I shyly said. 

"Oh... She's with Mark and I think that you knew already." she said. 

Did she just stabbed a knife in my heart again?

"Bro. I didn't want to talk about it and you just stabbed a knife in my heart." I said. 

"Like you don't know what kind of person I am. HAH" she laughed. 


"OMO! Eunha you came back! I missed you! You didn't say a goodbye to me." my mom pouted and hug her. 

"Eomma, cute doesn't suits you." I said. We all laughed. 

After 74027498304 hours (Actually is just 2 hours), Eunha's driver came and fetch her. 

"Eunha, remember to tell your mom I missed her too." she hugged Eunha again. 

Eunha waved goodbye to us and went into the car. 


Where's Min Young?

It's already 9 pm... 

She broke the promise. She said that she will be here by 8 pm... 

Should I go find her? 

Aigoo. Silly me. I don't even know where is she... 

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