Chapter 13: Childhood friend.

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Min Young's point of view

"Min Young!!" someone shouted my name. 

Today is a Monday. I didn't want to follow JB to school so I walked to Hyenee's house. 

"Hyenee!" I shouted and hugged her. "Ready?" she asked and I just simply nodded. 

~School hall way~ 

Me and Hyenee walked into the school hall and stop at our lockers. We open our lockers and start to stuff books in our bags. 

"HI!" someone yelled behind of us two. "H-Hi!" I startled. 

"I'm a new student here. My name is Jung Eun Bi. Call me Eunha." she said and shove her hand to me. I shake it without hesitant. 

"Oh, which class are you in?" Hyenee asked her. "Oh, class 3-2." she said. "Oh, that means we are in the same class. Yey!" I happily said. 

"Oh really? What is your name? You haven't introduce yourself yet. Hehe." 

"Oh, mianhae. I'm Kim Hyenee." 

"And I'm Choi Min Young. Nice to meet you." 

~Skip time~ (A/N: Okay lol this is fast..) 

Me, Hyenee and Eunha spent our time together. We get along quite well though. 

Well, of course. Eunha knew about my background but she didn't mind at all. 

Eunha's point of view

Today is a great day. 

I met two new friends!

Well, I heard my childhood friend is in this school... 

I didn't remember his full name but I remember I used to call him Bummie? 

Didn't see him in school... Or I didn't recognize him? Hehe

I wish to meet him..

Haven't seen him.. since I left Seoul... 

I miss him. "Friendship love"

"Eomma! I'm home!" I shouted. "Oh Eunha you're back home. How's school?" Eomma asked. "It was beyond great! I made friends!" I said cheerfully. 

"Good to hear that. So? Did you meet Bummie?" my mom asked. "Hehe. No.." I scratched the back of my head. 

"His name is Im Jae Bum okay? You have a short term memory I see." my mom giggled. 

"Yah~ We left Seoul for years.." I pout. "I'm going to clean myself up and sleep." I said and run upstairs. 

I think Hyenee and Min Young told me about him..

Bad guy? 

Play Boy? 

Since when...?

He is the innocent boy I knew from the start. 


But first, 

Let me take a selfie with my room. 

~A Saturday~ (A/N: Has been skipping parts lots of times I don't even know why.)

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