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This is a one shot based on this book's characters. I know Min Young died *cries* in the story but this is a one shot special. Please enjoy!


Min Young's point of view

I was in our new apartment.

We had been dating for about... 4 years?


And yay today it's our 4th year together!

But I don't think he'll ever remember because yeah due to his busy schedule.

His fans knows about us and they gladly accepted the fact that Jaebum is dating.

I... currently is a jobless graduate.

I graduated College and Jaebum didn't let me work... so yeah.

He always say.. 'Nah, I'll have you at home. You won't need to do all those things. I can raise us.' and always smile after that.

You guys know how much I fall for his smile everyday.

Welp, I'll just stay at home.

Hoping that he'll remember our anniversary.


It's already 11 pm and he's not home yet.

He might be doing some practice, or writing lyrics and let JYP approve or something.

If y'all wondering.. It's been 3 to 4 days I hadn't seen him.

No contacts from him, no smile from him :(

I miss him >.< so so much.

Every time at this time, I'll just give up and went to our room and sleep.

But some how I didn't wanna give up waiting for him until 12 am.

I still have hope that he'll remember.

I held my phone tightly in my hand, hoping for some messages from him.

Time slowly pass by as it was already 12 am.

I sighed.

It's the second time for this year.

That time my birthday... and now our anniversary.

I'll just accept the fact that he's an idol.

He's busy so I can't blame him right...


I woke up to some typing on the keyboard.

I open my eyes and adjust my eyes.

I saw Jaebum working on his computer.

I looked at the clock, 3 am.

"Hey, you're back. Don't you wanna rest for a bit? I mean you've worked a lot today-"

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP. I'M TRYING TO WORK." he glared at me.

I was, obviously startled by his words.

I felt sharp pain on my chest.

Is this what I get for caring....

I looked at him in the eyes.

His eyes softened as he realized what he said.

He stood up, he took his wallet, phone and his coat and went out.

I felt no tears streaming down my cheeks.

I stood up to see he was no longer here.

I leaned on the wall and slide down.

Bully In Love | I.J.B ✔️Where stories live. Discover now