Chapter 29: No...

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JB's point of view

Everything just happened in one afternoon.

Seeing her breaking down in front of me, my heart scattered into pieces.

After 4 hours, the light turn off. Signalling that the operation is done.

Min Young quickly stood up and ran towards the surgery door.

"Doctor Lee, how is my brother? How is he? Is he okay? Please save him I beg you." Min Young said and clasped her hands together, bowing continuously to Doctor Lee.

"He is safe. But.." Doctor Lee stopped and looked at her. "His brain is damaged by the pressure, so his mental will be damage too. And now... His mental age will only remain at 4 year old... I've did my best. I'm sorry." Doctor Lee said and she bowed at us and walked to here office.

"I'm so- MIN YOUNG!" I caught her from falling on the ground. She fainted.

"MIN YOUNG. MIN YOUNG. WAKE UP!" I patted her cheeks lightly.

They rushed to us and Mark carried her bridal style as I couldn't because of my leg.

I picked up my crutches and Eunha was helping me to stand properly.


Min Young fainted because of stress.

I sat beside her bed and intertwined my fingers with hers.

"Wake up, Min Young ah.. I need my lunch.. I'm starving and craving for your dishes.." I caress her hands with my thumb.

I buried my face in her hands.

"Wake up please.." I whispered.

Soon without me noticing, I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up from the touch on my head.

I lifted my head up to see Min Young ruffling my hair.

She faintly smiled at me.

I smiled at her after that.

We two had an eye conversation.

The way she looked at me, I can tell that she's sad through her eyes. But still looking at me with her soft eyes.

I looked at her. As if I'm trying to tell her that everything is alright.

Seems like she knows what I'm trying to tell her, she nodded her head lightly.

"Do you want anything to eat? I could ask the guys to buy for you." I asked her.

"Nah.." she said.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said and heard her chuckled.

"It's good to have you smile again.." I caressed her cheeks.

I took out my phone and texted one of the guys.

Hey Puppy._.

Wang Puppy -_-:
Oh god hyung could you stop calling me that. I'm not a bitch.

Okay okay chill you don't have to swear.

Wang Puppy -_-:
You made me. Great. Jinyoung saw my message and hit me for saying that word. I hate you.

Okay okay I'm sorry.

Wang Puppy -_-:

By the way, is Min Young awake yet?

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