Chapter 10: Official.

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This chapter is only about Mark and Hyenee lol. I know that this is supposed to be JB fan fiction but why not? I know that you guys think about Min Young and JB is official but apparently not. HAHHAH. Enjoy by the way. 

Mark's point of view

I'm walking back home with Jackson and JB. Well, I'm going to JB's house because he wants me to tutor him. So ya. 

We two bid goodbyes to Jackson and we walked to his house. 

None of us started the conversation until we reach his house. "Hi Mark!" I heard a familiar voice. 

"Hi Auntie." I said and smiled at her. "Oh, Omma. You're finally back home!" JB said and hugged Auntie. 

"Oh, Mark, do you want to drink anything? I can ask the maids to make it." she said and smiled. "Yah! Mom you didn't ask me first!" JB half yelled. 

"Mark is the guests. Take it yourself." Auntie said. I can't hold myself in so I chuckled a bit. "Come on, I came here to teach you Maths and anything you're poor at." I pushed JB to his room. 

"Auntie, I just want a cup of water. That's all. Thank you." I said and went into JB's room. 

I saw him laying on his bed. Sighing. "Wake your lazy ass up." I hit his ass. "Eish.. I don't want to. I want to study on the bed.." he said. 

"Aigoo. You remember when I was teaching you Maths when we were 13? You said that you want to study on the bed and you accidentally fell asleep? You turned your body and you some how hit your head against the table." I asked. Smirking. 

"I know I know! You don't have to bring that up... That was a total nightmare." he said and look away.

"Well, it was a nightmare and I'm sure you wouldn't want it to happen again." I said and pulled him. 

"Yah..." he said and sit in front of the table. He took out his Math book and start to do some practice and when he doesn't understand, I'll tutor him. 

Well, Min Young won't be here because she's still working. So ya. 

~6 pm~

"Okay. Enough Auntie, I'm full now." I said to Auntie and rubbed my stomach. "No, eat more. Don't be like JB. He is too slim. He doesn't want to eat much anyways. Help me finish up the food." Auntie said and I chuckled as I saw JB glaring at me. 

"Yah! OMMA!" he yelled. "I'm your son..." he pouted. "You didn't want to eat anyways." Auntie said and shoved a spoon of rice in her mouth. 

"Mom, leave some. The maid I hired is gonna come back in no time." he said and I smirked at him. "What? Yes! I have another new daughter. YAY!" Auntie raised both of her hands like a kid. 

"Auntie, you're cute. No wonder Uncle like-" I cut myself off after realizing what I just said. "Sorry." I apologized.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I already accept the fact that he's gone." Auntie smiled at me. 

"Ah, omma. I need to discuss something with Mark hyung. So we're going upstairs. I'll help you fix your phone later ya." JB said and kissed his mom. 

Awww... I wish my mom is here. She's at New York.. so ya.



"You... like Hyenee?" 

His question made my eyes widen and I blush a little.

"I... Um.. Yes. I like Hyenee." I said. I stuttered at first but I felt that I need to tell him the truth. "WOOOO!" he fake cheered. 

"I support you hyung." he smiled. "Why? I thought you like her?" I'm shocked. "I think... I don't." he said and scratched the back of his neck.

'Yeah, I can confirm my feelings because every time I wasn't staring at her in school and without me noticing, I'm staring at Min Young. So ya.' JB's thought.

"Hehe... Andddd. Something important. Today is Valentines da-" I cut his sentence of as I heard the word Valentines. 

"THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU." I said and kissed him on the forehead. 

"YAH YAH HYUNG YOU DON'T NEED TO BE LIKE THAT." he said and back off. "HAHHA BYE!" I said and took my bag and run out of his room. 

As I ran out of JB's house, I keep shouting, "YES YES YES I LOVE THAT DONGSAENG SO MUCH YES I CAN CONFESS TO HER TODAY YES." I raised my hands up to the air.

I was walking to Hyenee's house until I saw a Auntie Carmen's flower shop. I remember she likes the flowers there..

I guess I have to buy her favorite tulips for her? 

But... Where to hide it... I guess I'll buy only one and put it in my bag... 

After paying the money for the pink tulips, I put it in my bag.

Well, it's 6:48 pm now. Hyenee is finishing her work at 7 pm... Might as well wait outside her house :) Because I don't want Min Young to see us :) 

I was standing outside her house and waiting for her. 

I sat in front of the gate and lean on the gate. Little did I know.. I fall asleep. 

Hyenee's point of view

I was taking the bus home and when I reached home, I saw.... 


I came to him and kneel down in front of him. I caress his cheek and chuckled. 

"You like my face so much?" he suddenly muttered a sentence. I quickly took my hand away but he grabbed it. 

"I'll let you touch it later. Go inside before you catch a cold." he said and stood up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in my house. 

~Ma Room~ 

"Hyenee.." he muttered out. He suddenly turned around and hug me. I was shocked at first but I still hug him back. 

He pulled away and cupped my cheeks. "Hyenee.... I miss you." he said. I blushed and try to look away. 

"YAH don't look away. Let me see you." he stared into my eyes and suddenly, my favorite pink tulip is in front of me. 

"Only one?" I asked and chuckle. He scratched the back of his neck and say, "I can't hide it in my bag...." he pouted. 

"When did you get this pink tulip from your bag without me noticing?" I scoffed in disbelieve. "MAGIC!" he said like a child. 

I took the tulip from his hand and smell it. "It smell nice. Did you buy it from Auntie Carmen's flower shop?" I asked. "Yes. I remembered that you like the flowers there. HEHE." he said and come closer to me. 

"Happy Valentines Day." he said and kissed my forehead. "W-What?" I stuttered. "Erm... There is something I want to tell you a long time ago... I like you... I don't think that you felt the same as me but.. Will you be my girlfriend?" he said and hugged my waist. 

Happy tears forming in my eyes. "Yes! Yes! I will! I've been feeling the same towards you from the first time we've met!" I said and hug him. He hugged me tighter. 

"I'm not single anymore and no one can take you away from me. You're mine." he said and kissed me. 

"We're official now." he said and I grinned. 

~to be continued~ 







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