Chapter 20: Two couples~:

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Good mood YAY. Enjoy this chapter :)


Min Young's point of view

We went around Seoul and I completely forgot that I have to attend work today... 

Well I think I just need to tell the manager and that's okay... 


"Ice cream again!" JB said and grab my hand. 

We walked to the ice cream stall. And called for two cups of mint ice cream. 

"Hehe." he suddenly giggled. 

"What?" I asked him. "Ice cream on your face." he said and kissed my lips and slightly licked my lips with his... tongue..











"There. I help you clean it away already." he said. 

He laughed a bit because... I was blushing so badly right now -_-

"Yah..." I said looked down on my ice cream. "I love seeing you blushing." he said and pinched my cheeks. 

I rolled my eyes and walked away. 

"Yah yah yah who are you to walk away like that?" his hand snaked and wrapped around my waist. 

"I am me." I smiled at him. 

He pouted. "Woah woah. That doesn't work on me anymore." I said. 

"Eish." he said and kiss me. I didn't want to respond back. 

"Not responding??" he said and smirk. 

He kissed me one more time. This time deeper and more passionate. 

"Hehe. Not responding again?" he pulled back. 

I shook my head. 

He then give me a cold expression and walked away. 


As if I cared. 

I walked away too. 

"YAH PLAYING HARD TO GET IS IT?" he suddenly carried me bridal style. "YAH PUT ME DOWN!" I hit his chest. 

"NEVER!" he said and carried me to god-knows-where. 

"... Put me down can you?" I gave him a cold expression. 

"SMILE~~" he said and smiled brightly. 


I giggled and wrap my arms around his neck. 

He grinned and brushed his nose with mine. 

"Gonna take you home. HAHAH YAY" he yelled and run.

"YAH YAH SLOW DOWN A BIT!" I yelled and giggled after that. 

He just kept running and we two giggled like crazy.

He stopped in front of his house. He turned around and looked at me. 

He walked closer and closer. But I backed off. 

"Aye, don't... People will see...." I said. "Then why did you let me carry you here? Aren't you scared that people will see too?" JB asked. 

Bully In Love | I.J.B ✔️Where stories live. Discover now