Chapter 31: School day.

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1.99 K? Thanks guys! Fly me to 2 K? YAY


Min Young's point of view

Today is the day I discharged from the hospital. 

A sign that I need to go to school tomorrow. 

I guess there will be gossiping about me for sure since the news spread quite fast.. 

I've became the school's no. 1 topic yay... 

Why am I even joking right now. 


Yea, it's the next day. 

I woke up and wore my uniform.

I went downstairs and make some breakfast for Mrs Im and Jinhye. 

After making the breakfast, Mrs Im and Jinhye with Jaehyun came downstairs. 

"Noona!" Jaehyun shouted as he ran to me. 

He hugged my leg. 

"I miss you~" he said. 

I bent down and hugged him. 

"I miss you too. Now, come and eat breakfast." I said and pulled his small hands to the dinning table. 

"Min Young-ah, leave it to us. We'll ask the other maids to clean all these." Jinhye said. 

"Ya.. Thanks. Bye Jaehyun! Noona will see you later." I said and hugged him. 

"Annyeong Noona!"


As expected. 

When I step in the school compound, pupils start to talking cock about me. 

I ignored them. 

I went to my locker and take the books for my next lesson. 

As I closed my locker, I got slammed onto my locker. 

"Get lost. Murderer." 


Say what now, Jeong Mina. 

"I'm warning ya. I'm not a murderer." I said and pulled her collar. 

"Put your damn hands off." she glared at me. 

I threw her onto the floor and started to walk away.

I stopped and turn back and look at her. 

"I was so happy when I thought you changed. Now what." I said and walk into our classroom. 


"MIN YOUNG!" Hyenee shouted along with Eunha following her. 

"You're back!" Eunha exclaimed and we had a group hug. 

We went to our seats and catch up about things. 

School is gonna start in 1 hour anyways. I don't know why I'm coming to school this early. 

I heard someone barged into our classroom. 

It's Jungkook. 

"Min Young." he went to us and sat beside Eunha. 

"I heard that you came back to school so I came here to see you." he said and I can see Eunha blushing. 

"Ah, so you're here to see me... or do you mean Eunha?" I asked and me and Hyenee smirked. 

"No..." he blushed. 

"You sure know what I'm thinking about." Hyenee and I high-five each other. 

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