Chapter 9: Gifts

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Y/N's point of view

I woke up and stretched myself. 

I did my morning routine and look into the mirror. I am all set now! I look at my clock and it states 7:59 am

I walked to JB's room and see if he's awake. 

*Knock Knock* (A/N: Knock knock knock knock knock on my door! Sorry I just have to)

"You awake?" I softly asked. The door open and it revealed a half asleep JB. 

"Come on, it's just 7:30. Our class starts at 9:00. Do I really need to wake up this early?" he groaned and I just rolled my eyes. 

"Aunty is not here. So I'm the one who is cooking breakfast for you. Set up yourself or else no breakfast for you." I said and just walk away. 

"AHHH!" I heard JB groaned out loud in his room. 

Well, It's 8:14 am already. I look in the fridge and I just saw bacons and eggs. Well, he's gonna eat western food for today's morning. 

I did the breakfast and I saw JB walking down the stairs. He sat down on the dining table. Rubbing his eyes. 

"You came down just in time." I said and put the bacon and eggs in a plate. I put it in front of him. Then I just clean up the kitchen. 

"Aren't you eating?" he asked. "Nah, I'm not going to eat." I refused. He didn't say anything. 

He ate half of it. "Help me finish it. Please, I'm full." he said and he shove his plate to me. "Okay okay." I said. 

He went upstairs. I took a container and put JB's leftover inside. "Guess that I'll just leave this in my house and let appa eat..." I said. 

No one's point of view (A/N: I'm no one :') )

Little did you know, after you saying that sentence, JB is looking at you from the stairs. He felt his heart ached a bit. 

"Why am I feeling this way?" JB thought to himself. 

"Min Young! Let's go to school together!" JB said to her and grabbed her hand and her back. 

Why am I being so nice to her.. I can't control myself from being this nice to her.. JB thought 

Min Young's point of view

We get into the car and started our journey to our school.

After we arrived, as expected. All girls surrounding us but I didn't really care so ya.

About half a minute, the girls pushed me at the back and JB looked at them.

Okay. Seems like I'm dumped.

I didn't care. I just walked inside the school and to my locker.

As I opened my locker, some girls came to me.

"Min Young, I'm sorry for treating you so bad last time but... Can you pass this gift to JB?" she said and passed me some kind of shit.

"Help me pleaseeee I'll help you do anything you want!"

"Min Young please!"

"Min Young I heard that you're living with him! Please help me!"


"Please hand me these after school." I said.

Okay, I don't even know why am I doing this.

Even though I told them to give me after school and I'll give it to him, some girls is still tracking me down.

And of course. Some girls is glaring at me and it's the one and only.

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