Chapter 14: I seen her before.

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Eunha's point of view

After Min Young told me everything, my curious level just went up to the max. 


"You know everything when you get to school. He's in the same class as us. Why the actual shit you didn't even notice he's in there?" Hyenee unnie asked. 

"I kinda forgot what he looks like." I said. 

"PFFTTTT. What." Min Young blurted. 

I love my friends :) *sarcasm*

"Anyways, I thought only Min Young will work here. Why is Hyenee unnie is here working too?" I asked. 

"I'm learning to be independent since my mom is not at home every time." Hyenee unnie said. 

"HAHAH Independent. If you're independent, you won't be dating Mark now." Min Young rolled her eyes.

Hyenee unnie blushed and hit Min Young. 

"WaH! Hyenee unnie had a boyfriend? Must be a lucky guy." I muttered. I looked up and I didn't saw them two. 

"YAH! CHOI MIN YOUNG I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY! SHE'S STILL PURE!" Hyenee unnie chased Min Young around the cafe since there's not much people in the cafe. 

I just chuckled. 

~school~ (A/N: I keep skipping time and now location...)

I was walking to my locker with the two girls who is keep asking me if I had a boyfriend. 

"NO NO NO NO NO I DON'T HAVE ONE." I half yelling. 

"Eunha... I think you're gonna be the queenka." Min Young whispered as she open her locker. 

"Why?" "Every guys is looking at you. Be careful of those hot guys there. Their fan girls will kill you to death. You know Min Young had been through before." Hyenee unnie said. 

"Okay. Aish... Min Young-ah, I pity you. I'll protect you if I became the queenka. Unnie will protect you!" I said cheerfully and wrap my arms around her neck.


A little too hard. 

"*cough* *cough* Too hard... L-Let go a bit." she coughed two times and I immediately let go. 

"Mian mian mian." I apologized. 

"AHAHAHHA" Hyenee unnie laughed again. 

I love her laughter to be very honest.

We walked to our classroom and laughed a lot while walking there. 

I saw people looking at us. But... Not us. But Min Young. 

I notice that Min Young noticed that, she sulked a bit and faked a smile. 

I wrap my arms around hers and so did Hyenee unnie. 

"KAJA!" we two said in unison. 

"JINX!!!!! HAH!" I jinx her. She then glared at me. Making the middle one laugh. 

"Let's just go already." the middle one dragged us two into our class room. 

Jungkook's point of view

I went to school after Taehyung hyung brought me to the Jjajangmyeon shop for breakfast. 

On the way to school, I saw Min Young, Hyenee and.. A girl? 

She looks familiar.. 

Why do I keep being in a coincidence with her?

I seen her before....

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