Chapter 21: Hyuna?

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Jungkook's point of view

"Eunha-ah." I called her. "Ne oppa?" she responded. 

AW, she called me oppa. 

Wait. I thought I don't get used to this nickname... 

"Watch this." I left her watch a video of the ark dancing to our song 'Boy in luv'.

"Ooo. They are good. Seems like they've practiced a lot of times." she said and smile at me. 


"You wanna learn this?" I asked her. 

She nodded her head and gave me another smile. 


I stood up and she did too. 

I started to teach her about the moves. 

We were doing good until... 

"Jungkook." I saw PD-nim standing by the door. 

I walked towards PD-nim. "Someone wants to see you." he said and I nodded. 

I offed the music and walk to Eunha. 

"I'll be back. You can practice a few times and I'll come back and teach you better moves." I winked. 

I saw her slightly blushing. I smiled and walk outside the practice room. 

I went to the meeting room and.. 

Look who I found.. 

Hyuna.. The Hyuna I knew since I was young. 

She's back. 

"Jungkookiee~" she came towards me and hugged me. 

I hugged her back tightly. "Noona, you're back. Hehe." I said. 

"Yes. Where's the others?" she pulled back. 

"Um... We actually separated after JB..." I said and scratched the back of my head. 

"It's okay." she said and ruffled my hair. 

I giggled. "I'm back because I... Auditioned for bighit and when to Italy to train. I came back so I can debut here." she smiled widely. 

"YAY. We are going to be working in the same entertainment!" I cheered. 

"Hehe. My cheerful kookie as always huh? By the way, I stopped my studies and I'm now full-time-idol." she said. 

"Ooo. How I wish I could stop my studies..." I scratched the back of my head. "No you can't." she said. 

"And..." she smirked. 

"Who is that girl inside huh? I doubt that you have a little bit feeling for her HAHA." she laughed. 

"YAH! Noona, you stalked me?? She is just my friend..." I asked and covered my face. 

"HAHA. It's a nice view in the practice room. Seeing you guiding her... HAHHA" she said and maybe recalling just now when she peeked through the window on the door. 

Aish, when will this noona stop stalking me...

Since High school.. She always teased me whenever I talked to a girl. 

Glad that she never changed like how Jae Bum hyung did... 

"Yah noona... You never change." I pouted. 

"I won't change." she said and laughed slightly. 

"I guess I must go now and find the others since I missed them. Mark and JB yea? I still know where they lived... So.. enjoy teaching your so called friend ya." she teased again. 

I covered my face with my hands. "Bye noona." I waved at her and walk back to the practice room. 

Hyuna's point of view

I sighed. 

Jae Bum really changed? 

I don't think that he will change. 

Deep inside him, surely is something which can melt his heart. 

I don't think he's this chic and cool. 

Where is the soft, pure and cheerful Jae Bum?

I went in front of his house and saw... 

Heh. As I said earlier. 

Deep inside him surely is something which can melt his heart. 

I looked at him, carrying a girl bridal style. I smiled at them. 

I saw JB tickling her. They look very happy. 


Why did I think that this girl... So familiar? Like.. Where did I met her before? 

I was in deep thoughts. When I lift my head up, I saw them walking towards me. 

I walked towards them too. 

"Oh.. You're back?" he asked and smiled a little. 

I nodded. 

"How you doing? And?" I asked him and pointed at the girl standing beside him. 

"Oh? I'm just his fr-" "My girlfriend." he said and I laughed. She look at JB and hit him on his shoulders. He hissed in pain. 

"Okay okay. Nice to meet you, I'm Kim. Kim Hyuna." I smiled and we did a hand shake. "I'm Choi. Choi Min Young. Nice to meet you." she smiled. 

God, I know why he likes her. Her smile slays. 


Min Young? 

I thought... Where I heard this name before... 

I stared at them again. 

"Hey, hey? Are you okay?" Min Young waved her hands in front of me. "Hyuna, you don't look well. You might wanna go home and rest?" JB asked me. 

"Y-yea. I guess I should go back home. I think I'll hold up a party. See you two soon." I smiled and walked to my van. 


Thought where I heard Hau Rin saying that name before... 

Hau Rin... he said he's surname is Choi... 

Choi again?

Oh my god... 

I guess I have to have a talk with Min Young. 

~to be continued~ 


Sorry for the wait. 


I have some good news for you guys! 

Well, my story is up to 800+ readers and I surely appreciated that. I didn't know that my story will get so many votes. 

Well, if my story have 1 K readers and 60 votes, I might reveal something new. I will be planing one that... 

Thanks for the supports! It make me feel that I have to write more interesting chapters. 

Well, the next chapter will be quite interesting? In depends. Hehe. 

Well, I think that's all. 

Feel free to vote and comment. 


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