Chapter 2: In Love?

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JB's point of view

~After school~ 

I am walking home with Jackson as usual. I wanted to walk home although I can ask my driver to come and fetch me. I need to keep fit Y'all know?? This is why I have so many sasaeng fans in school. 

And also to impress Hyenee >_<

I thought of something! Something GENIUS. 

"Jackson. I want to fool that poor girl in our school. That girl called Min Young." I said putting my hands in my pocket. 

"What... Why?" he asked shocking. "Why are you so shocked? I want to. Why can't I?" I said. "No dude, she is damn innocent." Jackson refused. 

"Come on dude, she is freaking dirty. I'm scared that Hyenee will get effected by her." I said and continue walking. 

"What the hell dude. Fine, asshole." he whispered the last word but it was ENOUGH for me to hear it.

"What do you mean by asshole? So you wanna help?" I said angrily. "OKAY OKAY, I'LL HELP, ASSHOLE. LATER, 8 PM. COME TO MY HOUSE. EVERYONE IS GONNA COME TOO. BYE, SEE YOU LATER." he yelled and walk into his house as we reached his house. 

Wow, I never seen him so angry before...


Min Young's point of view

"You don't need to send me there. I can walk there myself." I said. Hyenee wants to send me to Myeongdong street... I refused. 

She shouldn't waste her petrol oil on person like me. "Never mine, I can send you there. Because... I want to work too. Hehe." I am shock at what she just said. (A/N: Jungshook!!)

"If you're not going to let me send you there, I will walk with you to Myeongdong street. I'll ask my driver to not come then." she said and immediately dialed her driver's phone number. 

"Okay... We'll walk there together!" she said happily. 


On the way to the cafe we are working at, it was silent. None of us break the silence until... 

"Why don't you ask me why I'm following you to work?" she said. "Because you never said to me?" I said and scratched my head.

"Because... my mom and dad is not at home. And I'm lonely at home. So... Although staying at home playing with my phone, I wanna come out and experience what poor feeling is. Sometimes I wish that I am as poor as you. I can go out and work, I can buy my own things using my money like an adult." she said. She looks upset. 

"Well, you will have fun today." I said and drag her hand and start running to the cafe since we were not far away from there. 


As we reached the cafe, I bring Hyenee to the boss room. Me and her needs to take attendance.

After taking our attendance, we went into the girl changing room and change into our work outfit. 

We went out of the changing room and start to work at our respective places. I am washing the dishes in the kitchen, Hyenee is taking order from the customers. 

Actually, I don't really know anything about Hyenee's background. I only knew that she is rich and kind. Not like the others.  

Hyenee's point of view.

Okay, this is it. This is my chance to try to be independent. I'm serving the customers now. I can't be the old Hyenee anymore. I must learn. I'm 16 now. Hwaiting.

Bully In Love | I.J.B ✔️Where stories live. Discover now