Chapter 27: My fault again.

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Narrator's point of view

Finally, Min Young went to school on Monday. Sadly, JB is still in the hospital. Doing some check up. 

After the incident, Min Young's face become pale day by day due to stress issue. 

Min Young couldn't really focus on what teachers is saying in class. 

She woke up everyday 5 am to go to work, 7 am she finished cleaning the cafe, 7:30 am she will reach school. 7:30 am to 8 am she would go to the library to study. 8:10 am she would go back to class to prepare for her lesson. 

Well, of course Hyenee and Eunha will be right by her side. 

They will accompany her to the library and they will talk there. 

Old times, they would laugh and talk loudly until the librarians would scold them. But, Min Young remain quiets. Makes Eunha and Hyenee eyed her every 1 minute. 

Of course, Min Young couldn't concentrate. Since she was thinking about how about take a few more jobs. 

"Min Young-ah, why don't you let me help you?" Hyenee asked her. "Yea. Me too. We could sponsor you some money. You don't need to give us back." Eunha said and pat my back. 

"It's okay. I can handle it." Min Young smiled at them. 


"Bummie-ah, eat something please." JB's mom came to the hospital to visit him with some porridge. 

"NO! I won't eat these. Because it's not Min Young who cooked these. And I want her to come here." he crossed his arms like a kid. 

His mom sighed. 

"Please eat... Eomma will be very worried of you. I'll come back later." his mom said. 

Choi Min Young... If you don't come, I'll starve to death... he thought.

His stomach growling. 

He groaned and laid back on the bed. 


School had finished. 

Of course Min Young would go to the cafe and work. 

She was working until... 

"Min Young-shi?" JB's mom standing in front of the counter. 

"Auntie..." she uttered. 

JB's mom smiled and she said,"Can you do me a favor? A simple one." she smiled again. 

"Of course." Min Young said. 


Min Young went to the hospital with a container of soft spicy tofu stew. 

She brought it since the doctor said he can eat any kinds of food but he have to stay in the hospital since he couldn't stand properly. 

She walked up to his room. 

She looked through the window on the door, saw him laying on the bed, closing his eyes, not sure whether he's awake or not. 

She walked in. 

"Get out. I only eat Min Young's dishes. I won't eat." he said. 

It makes Min Young kinda sad because he hadn't been eating since she didn't come and visit him. 

She sat down on the chair and her hands slowly reached his head and lightly caress his hair. 

He turned around and his eyes soften as he saw Min Young. 

He immediately sat up and hugged her. 

"Where have you been? I haven't see you in ages. Please don't do this to me. I'm starving to death if you didn't come. Please don't go..." he said and hugged her tightly. 

"Yea yea I won't. Why didn't you eat? If you don't want me to go, then eat now." she pulled away and took the container. She pulled the table closer to him.

She open the container, gesturing him to eat by himself. 

He pouted. 

"Ew, your aegyo. No." she chuckled. 

"Aish. Please feed me." he said and look at her.

"Okay okay." She surrendered. JB immediately let out a bright smile. 

"Mm~ Nice~" he said as he took a bite. 

"I knew your cooking is the best." JB said and pecked her cheeks. Her cheeks flushed red. 

"Quick finish it so that you could rest some more." she said. 

While them two inside being lovely, his mom outside, smiling at the couple. Thinking of something. 


Min Young told JB to rest and she'll be back later. 

She went up to her brother's room. 

She saw her mom and her brother inside, hugging each other. 

She overheard their conversation. 

"Hau Rin-ah, thank god you're okay." her mom said. 

"Eomma, it's not Noona's fault." Hau Rin said. 

"YES IT IS. SHE EVEN KILLED APPA." her mom said. 

Min Young's heart scattered into pieces. 

"Hau Rin -ah, I'll get something for you to eat ya. Wait for me." 

The door opened suddenly. 

"NOONA!" Hau Rin yelled as he saw Min Young. 

"YAH! YOU STILL HAVE SOME FACE TO COME HERE?" her mom slapped her. 

"Eomma..." she muttered. 

"YOU KILLER!" her mom slapped her a lot of times. She stopped until she's tired. 

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN. GET OUT NOW!" her mom commanded. 

"Giving birth to you is a total mistake." her mom scoffed and Min Young walked away. 

She walked to JB's room. 

"He- Why is your face so red?" JB asked and he sat up. 

"Uh? N-Nothing..." she stuttered. 

"Is it her who slapped you again?" JB clenched his fist. 


"Stop it. Don't lie." JB said and pulled her into a hug. 

"Don't go and meet her again. It's dangerous. Please, I don't want you to get kidnap again." he said and caress her hair. 

She began cried in his embrace. 

Seeing how hurt she is, JB couldn't hold it. He cried silently with Min Young.

Min Young accidentally fell sleep in JB's embrace. 

JB carried her, still sitting on the patient bed. 

He carried her and put her beside him. 

He kissed his forehead. 

"I'm sorry. I'll treat you better than ever, than everyone. I love you. Sleep tight." he said and cuddled with her. 

~to be continued~ 


AND WHAT????? 1.15K readers???? Chapter one have 105 readers what???? 

Thanks for the support!! :))))

Nothing much to say.. But I guarantee this story will go longer. I think I'll end it between Chapter 35-40? Because I still have a lot of ideas.. Hehe. 

Feel free to vote and comment. 


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