Chapter 19: Date~

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Min Young's point of view

"I love you." 

"I love you Choi Min Young." 

"I won't leave you."

Those words last night before something wrapping around me, 

Let me felt better a bit. 

At least I still know that someone in this world won't leave me and love me forever. 

I open my eyes and saw someone. 

I leaned closer. 

"Thank you. I love you too." I said and pecked his forehead. 

"Aigoo. Let me cuddle you for 5 more minutes and we can go for school." he suddenly talked and that just startled me. 

"Yah~ you scared me." I whined and cover the blanket up to my head. 

"Don't cover your beautiful face. I want to see it everyday." he said and pulled the blanket down until he can see my whole face. 

 "Yay." he said and pecked my forehead, cheeks, nose and... lips... 

"There. Marked as mine." he said and snuggled in the crook of my neck. 

I could feel his hot breathe on my neck and I felt that comfortable. 

"Wait.. What day is today?" I asked. 

"Saturday.." he replied. I laughed a little. "What's so funny?" he asked me and hug me tighter. 

"Go to school yourself. I'm going to work." I said and get out of his embrace. 

"Yah yah yah come back. Oh wait... Saturday we don't have school what the hell am I thinking." I heard him muttered.

"I'm going to my room." I said and quickly exited his room. 

I heard his door opened. I quickly run towards my room. 

After that, I felt that I'm in the air. 

"Yah~ put me down~~" I said and hit his chest lightly. "No~ I'm bringing you to your room." he said while carrying me bridal style.

"I'm heavy huh?" I asked. "No you're not. You must eat more. I'll bring you out later." he said and smirked. 

"Date~" he sang. "Yah.. why is my first date with you..." I fake complained. Actually I want it so much. HEHE

"I know you want it so much jagi~" he said. 

My room is at the third floor while his is at the second floor. 

We reached my room and he put me down.

I open my door room and was about to close it but he blocked the door from closing -_- 

"I need to change -_-" I said. 

"Can't I be inside?" he pouted and I swear that is the CUTEST thing ever. 

"No. You didn't even do your morning routine and you said you want to go on a date with me." I pouted.

"I'll do it with you." he said and plopped on my bed and continue sleeping. 

"Aish." I took my clothes and start doing my morning routine. 

As I came out of the bathroom, I saw him still laying on my bed in his pajamas. 

I guess I need to take his pajamas for him... 

I went to his room and start choosing what can he wear today. 

Maybe a grey hoodie.. since it's quite cold outside.. And yea, a black jeans. 

I took it and walk up to my room. 

"JB-ah, wake up." he groaned. "5 more minutes please." he muttered. 

"I helped you to take your clothes so if you want to take your bath here just go ahead." I said and sat on my bed.

"Yay, thanks Jagi." he said and pecked my cheeks. 

He took his clothes I placed on the edge of the bed and went inside the bathroom. 

I touched the place he peck my cheeks.. 

The Soft lips of his makes me melt. 

~after him doing his morning routine~ 

"Come on leggo!" he cheered and took my hand in his. 

We walked outside the house and hold hands together. 

Being with him makes every sad thoughts of mine faded away. 

He keep smiling brightly at me and I smiled back every time. 

"Ice cream?" he asked and pointed to the ice cream stall. 

"Yes." I nodded and we two walk there. 

"Two mint ice cream please." he said and took his wallet out. 

"It will be 2,000 won thank you." ahjusshi said. "Thanks ahjusshi." we two bowed. 

He passed me my ice cream and I took a scoop of it. 

To be honest, I never ate mint and I don't know how does it taste.

"Ooo, this is mint flavor..." I said and nodded my head. 

"What? You never ate mint before?" he asked in disbelief. 

"Yea.. Because mom and dad always buy ice cream for my brother only. But seeing them happy and I'm happy too." I said and smiled. 

"You're too nice." he said and pinched my cheeks. 

We walked to a park while eating or ice cream. 

As we ate finish our ice cream, we found a bench and sat down. 

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I lay my head on his shoulder while his head on mine. 

"I just love this feeling." he said and we two closed our eyes. 

The spring cold breeze brushed our face and we two enjoyed our first date. 

~to be continued~ 


I did promised you guys to publish it today and I did YAY. 

Well, not in a good mood actually but I'll make sure next chapter will be a funny one. (This is just in depends) 

Well... Nothing to say and so... 

Feel free to vote and comment.


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