Chapter 4: Flashback.

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JB's point of view

"Well hello." I said to a still-shocked-person who is holding a note book. "Why are you here?" she whispered but it was enough for me to hear. 

"Is this how you greet your customers?" I said, acting mad towards her but yet calm.

"Okay. Can I take your order?" she said and ready to write down my order. "I want to have 1 hot Latte and a piece of cheese cake please. I want it in 10 minutes." I emphasize the 10 minutes I then smirk.

You know what? I was expected her to have a very shocked expression when I said 10 minutes. But she is very calm and said,

"It will be in 10 minutes. Thank you for your order."

I continued on my speech. I usually ordered Iced latte but since it's winter now so why not a hot Latte?

My food is served right after 10 minutes. I looked at Min young who is always hang out her poker face when it comes to me.

"Enjoy your meal." She said and bowed to me.

I was enjoying my meal until I noticed Min Young is walking towards the customer behind me holding a tray of food.

I purposely let out my feet and she didn't saw that coming and she accidentally kicked my feet and dropped the tray of food.

She fell down and I immediately pulled my leg in and let out a smirk.

Some of the workers saw and come to Min Young and help her up. I didn't care about her and just continue writing my speech.

"Are you okay?" A guy asked her. He is... Jungkook. Me, Mark and Hyenee used to play with when we were young... "I'm sorry... I should've be more careful. I'm sorry. I'll make you one more without you paying." I overheard their conversation.

"It's okay. I will buy another one." Jungkook said.

Jungkook took a glance on me and I quickly look away. He helped Min Young and talk to Min Young for a while and walked out of the café.

I guess I succeed this time. Hoho

As I drank all of my Latte, I kept my things and put it in my back pack.

I stood up and I can hear girls squealing while looking at me. I guess it was girls at my school.

I have a lot of fans don't I... Huehue

I walked out of the café and I felt that someone is staring at me until I left his or her's sight.

I think someone is thinking of a revenge on me. 

Min Young's point of view

I fell down and some of the workers come and help me up. 

''Are you okay?'' a male voice suddenly appeared. I looked up and saw a good-looking guy in front of me. Well, he will probably doesn't care about me after I tell him about me. Because ya. 

''Yes I am okay. I'm sorry for the food. I'll make it up to you.' I said and bowed to him as a apologize. 

''Nah, it's okay. I have no appetite anyways. My mom just forced me to eat.'' he scratched at the back of his neck and blushed. He looks so cute when he is blushing. AWWW

''Oh, my name is Jeon Jungkook. What's yours?'' Jungkook asked with a big huge smile on his face. ''Oh, I'm Choi Min Young.'' I said. 

''Are you the new student? Is your school is School of Performing Arts?'' he asked. ''Ya.'' I said. 

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