Chapter 18: They're leaving. But I won't leave her alone.

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Min Young's point of view

"Okay. Your order will be here in no time." I said and left to the counter. I gave the paper to Hyenee and she nodded. 

I waited at the counter to see if customers need my help. 

Well, Eunha won't be here because she have to go to her company to practice. 

As a friend of hers, I'm proud of her. 

She's sometimes pure though. But I trust Jungkook since Jungkook is her sunbaenim and I know Jungkook can take care of her. 

The door bell rang and it revealed Mark. 

Yea yea of course. Those two love dove had an eye contact and two of them blushed. 

Hyenee looked at him again and went into the kitchen

Yea yea I get it. You two don't need to show it to me. 

I guess I'll just be single for the rest of my life. 

I'll never leave the single dog squad. 

I see... Mark came here to wait for Hyenee. 

Of course with that big bag pack of his. Doing practices. 

I wonder if they don't have practice today? JB is going to the company for what... 

I shrugged it off. 

"Min Young-ah, go to table 4 and ask for his order." Urgh. Ask Hyenee to do that please. 

"Same?" I asked Mark. "Yea. Where is Hyenee?" of course he will ask this question. 

"In the kitchen." I said and jot down his order. "Oh... So that is the kitchen. Hehe. Thanks Min Young." he said. 

"Yea yea. No problem. Your order will be here in no time." I said and turn to the counter. 

~after work~ 

Me and Hyenee is inside the changing room. We grabbed our things and went out. 

"Hyenee~" "Mark~" 

I saw them hugging each other. 


I'm a single dog bro. 

I fake coughed just to let them know I, Choi Min Young is still alive. 

"Get a room." I rolled my eyes mentally. 

"Yah~~" Hyenee whined and they two blushed. 

"Ah, Min Young, I thought you're leaving 1 month later?" Mark said. 

"What?" I confused. 

"Oh.. I thought JB told you that you're being his maid for only 1 month." Mark said and scratched his head. 

"What? How do you know?" I asked. "Um.. Because that time they kinda hates you and Youngjae told me that him asking you to be his maid is just a bet...." he said. 

What the actual...

"Okay. I think I know how to fix him already." I said. Clutching my teeth and left the cafe.

~while walking home~

"HAH! I'm a toy. This is how poor girls should be treated." I said. 

"Bet... I'm leaving." I said. 

"I just said I think I like you that day...... Oh and then it turns out not." I muttered. 

My heart starts to sting. 

Bully In Love | I.J.B ✔️Where stories live. Discover now