Chapter 23: Changed and fine.

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Min Young's point of view

After visiting Hau Rin, me and Hyuna went to a cafe downstairs to have a coffee. 

"Stop please. You said 18393588985 times 'thank you' already." Hyuna said. 

I chuckled. 

"By the way, thanks." I said. 

"STOP PLEASE!" we two laughed along. 

After seeing Hau Rin the last time, Hyuna send me home. 

As I walked in the house, guess who's there? 

Jeong Mina. 

"Min Young-sshi." she called. I faked a smile.

"Yes? Would you like anything to drink? I will make it for you." I said.

"No thanks. I'm here to... Um... Say sorry..." she said and scratched the back of her neck.

"What?" I said in a disbelief tone.

"Yes... I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I shouldn't have did those harsh things I did to you." she said and smile.

"Oh, it's okay. As long as you apologize." I said.

"Thank you." she said. "Then I'll be get going now.." She said and she quickly left the house.


Did she eat her medicine today?

Why is she suddenly so nice to me?

Oh well.

I'm just going to the cafe and finish my work since I only get half a day off to visit my brother.

JB's point of view

"Bum-" I cut her words off. 

"Don't call me that. I'm Jae Bum." I said coldly. 

"Erm.. Jae Bum, I'm here to say sorry to Min Young. Can you tell me where she is?" she asked. 

Oh wait.. 

Even me, myself didn't know where she is. 

She didn't come back yesterday.. right?

"Erm... I didn't know where she is." I said. I glanced at the clock. 

"Oh, it's time for me to go to practice." I said and got up. 

"Jae Bum, wait." she grabbed my wrist. 

"What?" I said. "Um.. Can we be friends? I'm sorry for what I did earlier." she said. 

Maybe she changed. 

"Yes. Of course." we smiled to each other and I head to my company. 

Hyenee's point of view

I was walking to the cafe I worked at. 

Min Young told me that she will be taking a half day off. 

I think she will tell me the reason later I met her. 

As I reached the cafe, I went in the changing room and change into my work outfit. 

I then went out to serve the customers.

Too bad Mark couldn't come. Or else he will be sitting there waiting for me. 

I heard a ring. It's from the cafe door. 

And guess who I saw? 

The most annoying person in my life.

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