Chapter 26: My fate.

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OMO How the hell in earth will happen something like this... 

I actually get 80 views in 24 hours OMO thank you so muchhhh love you guys!


Min Young's point of view

Everything had turned to the worst.

I left only friends and my only brother. 

The doctor said that my brother is recovering really well. 

That is a good news. 

The bad news is.. My dad died. Because of me. 

I still can't believe I pulled the trigger and shot my own dad. 

Why can't I just use my words to stop him? Why am I so dumb? 

Everyday I would be at the hallway, looking through the window of the door, found mom there, crying her heart out. 

My heart sting seeing this kind of scene. 

I always got caught by mom. She would slap me and yelled at me to leave. 

I'd never have the chance to tell her about Hau Rin. 

Even if I said, I'll never be able to see Hau Rin again... Because of mom. 

I think it will be the best for Hau Rin if mom take him away from me. I'm nothing. Mom can give him the best. While I just killed my own father days ago. 

I have no guts to leave the hospital. 

I'm just scared that I'll hurt someone when I took a step out of the hospital. 

I sounded like a demon don't I? 

I sighed. 

Someone came in Hau Rin's room. It's Hyuna. 

"Hey, you didn't eat nor sleep for days. Are you sure you're okay?" Hyuna patted my shoulder. 

"I'm okay." I faked a smile at her. 

"Hyuna-ah, everything you did to Hau Rin, taking care of him, letting him have a place to live at, everything you did I really really appreciated. Can you please hand him to my mom? I can't take care of him. Once my mom found out my brother is here, she'll slap me for hiding him here. Please take him to my mom." I begged her and kneel down on the floor.

"Okay okay. Get up first." she said and pulled me up. 

"From now on, I'll give you money. I'll go for work. I'll give you their monthly needs." I said. 

"It's fine. My pare-" "No it's not. I'm disgraceful to this family. I killed my own father. I want to make it up to them. Please let me." I said in a sad tone. 

"Okay okay. But do me a favor too. Please take care of yourself and don't let anything block yourself. Be strong okay? You know my number. I'm always there for you." she said and hugged me. 

"Okay. Thank you. A lot." I said. 

I took a glance at Hau Rin. 

I walked towards him and kissed him on the forehead. 

"Be a good boy. Listen to Eomma. Noona will come and visit you. Don't be clumsy and all kind of bad things. Be a good boy to Eomma. Or maybe make Eomma stop gambling? Please do it for Noona. I'll always be there for you." I said and kissed his forehead. 

I stood up and left. 

JB's point of view

I've been watching the scene. 

How Min Young's father shot my leg, how Min Young's father locked Youngjae, how Min Young pulled the trigger at her father to protect Youngjae. 

And I'm now here, sitting on the patient bed. 

The guys had been visiting me though. But I didn't see Min Young's shadow. Not even hearing her breathe. 

Someone knocked on my room door. 

"Come in!" 

"Hey..." oh, it's Jungkook. 

"Hey bro." I gave him a smile. 

He sat down on the chair beside my bed and say, "How your leg? Anything damage?" he asked. 

"Nah, it's just slightly broken. But the doctor said I'll be able to walk after a few days. You know, needa learn bro." I said. 

"Hyung, glad that you're okay." he chuckled. 

It was kinda awkward that time. So I decided to break the ice. 

"So you have any idea where is Min Young?" I asked. 

"No.. We've been looking for her." Jungkook said. 

"We'll find her. So take care, hyung. I'll tell you any good news immediately. Wait for my call." Jungkook said.

"Thanks Jungkookie." I smile. 

"Me and the other got7 members will head out to find her. No worries. Take care." he said and left. 

I sighed. 

It's a long time since I ever talked to her. 

It feels like something is missing. 

Min Young's point of view

And yes it is a Saturday. Of course I'll be working 24/7. 

In order to make more money, I decided to work in a store that opens 24 hours. 

I stand behind the cashier. Waiting for customers to come. 

I was doing great until I saw someone came in. 

Jungkook and Eunha? 


I hid myself by wearing a cap. 

They picked some ramen and came to the cashier. 

I purposely changed my voice into a low one. 

"It will be 14,000 won." I said. 

"Thanks, Min Young." Eunha said. 

My eyes widened. 


"I can still recognized you." Eunha winked.

I scoffed.

"What's with you these days? Why didn't you go to school?" Jungkook asked.

"I-" "Min Young!" I saw Hyenee and Mark running towards me.

"Where have you effin been?" She asked in a Slightly angry and worried tone.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to make more money for my mom and brother. So that my mom can take good care of my brother... Maybe I'll talk to you guys later? I'll meet you guys at Hyenee's house tomorrow 12 pm." I weakly smiled at them.

"YOU BETTER COME." Eunha said and give me a you're-gonna-die-if-you-don't-come look.

"Kay." I replied shortly. They bought what they want to buy and we all bid goodbyes to each other.

I guess...

I'm not bad looking for friends?

But bad at taking care of my own family...

I guess this has to be my fate then.

It's my fate...



Well, this story may end soon? Maybe. I'm still planning to make this book longer though. I guess this chapter isn't interesting enough.

Okay ya got to go. See you in the next chapter <3

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