Chapter 8: His house.

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JB's point of view

Urgh. Today she's moving in my house. 

Well, Imma give her tons of works to do. MUHAHAHHAHHAA

"Here, come in." I gestured her to come in. As she took a step in my house, her mouth is wide open. 

"Come on, flies will fly into your mouth if you open that wide." I tried to hold in my laughter. She hit me on my arm. "Come on, you live here all by yourself?" she asked and start to drool her eyes around my house. 

"Nah, my mom is living here too. But she always come home late or going overseas for business. My dad died. So ya." I said and she frowned. 

"Sorry to hear that." she said. "I thought you're a cold-hearted person." I said and rolled my eyes. 

"I thought you were the cold-hearted person after what you did to me." she said and I turned to her. "I gave you a job. Isn't this enough?" I said and stare in her eyes deeply. 

"Y-Yeah." "Go, I'll bring you to your room." I led her to the guest room. It isn't that big but to her is big enough. "Whoah whoah. I think I don't need a room this big." she said. 

"You wha- Not small enough?" I asked her in a surprise tone. "It's bigger than I thought. I didn't even live in such a big house before. Never in my life." she said. "Well, take it." 

I seriously don't know why am I so kind to her.

"..." "Imma go check on the kitchen. Unpack your things and come down to have dinner." 

Isn't she the one who had to cook dinner since she's my maid?

Ya y'all know what? Forget it.

I saw Min Young coming down. She walked to the dining table and sat down beside me. 

"Aren't you hot? You keep wearing long sleeves shirt.." I asked her. "Nah, it's okay. I like wearing these though. It's fine." she said and pulled her sleeve down a bit. 

I don't think that she wants to wear those because she's avoiding an eye contact with me. 

~After dinner~ 

I went up and do my homework. I guess Min Young is doing the laundry now. Well, you guys must ask why is she doing the laundry at night. 

Well, I set a working time for her since she did have a coffee shop work at Myeongdong. 

7pm-10pm is her working time. I must spend this precious time to... give her a lot of work. 

I went downstairs to the washing room and check up on her. And ya, she's doing the laundry. 

"Pabo, come to my room at 9 pm ya. I need you to do something." I said and quickly run back to my room. 

Min Young's point of view

I did the laundry and turn my head to the clock and it state 8:56 pm. Welp, I needa go. 

I knock on the door and say, "JB, I'm coming in now." 

I opened the door and saw him.... Shirtless in front of me.

My eyes widen and I covered my face with my hands. "YAH! WEAR YOUR CLOTHES!" I squealed. "I'm taking my bath and you came in. I need you here to..." he said and lean closer. 

"TO WHAT?!" I shouted still covering my face. "Take my laundry of course. What are you thinking about? Dirty things? I'll never do it with you understand?" he said. 

The FAQ bro.

"Y-YAH! Hand me your laundry and continue showering!" I said and shoved one of my hand out and the another one covering my eyes. 

I felt a force pulling me. I open one of my eyes and see what is pulling me. When I open up my eyes, I saw myself in... HIS BATHROOM WHAT THE DISHFEIGEFOGH

"YAH WHY AM I IN HERE?" I shouted and he threw his dirty clothes on me. "GO DO THE LAUNDRY." he said and pushed me out of the bathroom. 

"What kind of boss is this... Is this how you treat your workers..." I muttered and walk to the laundry room. 

~After doing the laundries~ 

"Phew. It's already pass 10 pm. Yelp, Imma go to bed by now.." I said and leave the laundry room after offing the lights. 

As I walked pass JB's room, I saw his room door opened. I peeked inside and saw him laying his head on the table. Probably sleeping. 

I slowly open the door. Not wanting it to let out a squeak sound. I walked to him and saw him sleeping. 


I put his jacket on his back. I then offed the lights before leaving. 

I went back to my room and lay down on the queen size bed. I've never slept in a queen sized bed before. 

But... the bed is big. Yet... Lonely. 

I pulled my sleeve up and admire the scars my dad made. It hurts a lot. But my heart hurts a lot more than that. 

I cried. I never showed to the others that I've cried before since that no one cares. 

I don't want to show my weak side towards them. It makes me more a coward. 

I offed the lights on the night stand beside the bed. 

"Good night. My world." 

~to be continued~

Chapter 9 topic



Hey BOIII. Yea I said that I'll update new chapter every Sunday but I'm bored so why not? 

Nothing much to say for now so... Ya. Hope you guys enjoy. 


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