Chapter 36: Plan.

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JB's point of view

I went home. 

I don't dare to face her right now. 

I'm scared that I would hurt her again. 

"Jabongi." someone entered my room.  

"Respectful. Jaebum hyung." I said. 

"I guess I don't have to be respectful to you." he giggled. 

I faked a smile.

"What do you want, kookie." I asked him. 

He sat on the edge of the bed.

"Why aren't you at the hospital? You're always there when Min Young is in the hospital." he said and look at me. 

"I can't explain." I muttered and leaned my head on the headboard. 

"It's okay." he said. 

"Do you know how is that feeling that you almost killed your girlfriend? Indirectly." I said. 

"Stop please. It's not your fault that you're too handsome and every girl wants a piece of you. It's Mina." he said. 

(A/N: I'm trying to be funny. But true. Everyone wants a piece of him.)

"If you're a man, accept the fact. I know that Min Young wants you to visit her now. Maybe if you stay beside her right now, she will wake up immediately? Who knows?" he said. 

"And who knows she will die in front of me?" I said and covered my face with my palm. 

"Positive please. She will be okay." he said. 

"I don't even know why when we go to school on that day and the other they either of us will be in the hospital. Don't you think?" I joked. 

"You're still joking huh?" he chuckled. 

"Come on, come with me." he pulled me. 

"Wtf you doing I don't want to visit her." I yanked my hand. 

"Now, all you have to do is calm your heart down. Stop thinking about her." he said. 

"Follow me." he said. 


He brought me to JYPE's practice room. 

"Look. I know what you like to do. Dance. Dance your heart out." he said. 

He put on some music and we two start jamming on it. 

After hours, we two were exhausted. 

We are sweating madly. 

"Thanks." I said. 

"No problem." he said. 

Suddenly, my phone rang. It's Mark hyung.



"Hyung, why did you call me?" 

"Come to the police station right now. We found Mina and the guy who pushed Min Young in the river. The police have to ask you a few questions."


Me and Jungkook rushed to the police station. 

"Jaebum! Here!" I saw Mark hyung waved his hand. 

I walked towards his direction. 

"Mina still doesn't admit what she did. But the guy admitted that its Mina who bribed him. The officer wanted you to cooperate with him. So that we can make Mina spent her rest of her life in the jail." Mark said. 

"I will." I patted his shoulder. 

"Thanks hyung." I then follow the officer into a room. 


Hyuna's point of view

I saw Min Young on the bed. 

I am angry. Angry that he made Min Young like this. 

She doesn't even deserve all of these. She deserves to be happy. 

I looked at her. 

Lifelessly laying on the bed. 

I heard the door open and closed. 

I looked towards the door and saw Yugyeom came in. 

"Hyenee noona, Mark hyung asked Jinyoung hyung to fetch you home. It's time for you to rest. We will take care of her." he said and Hyenee nodded. 

"I'll take you." Yugyeom said. 

Yugyeom brought her to the the door and hand her to Jinyoung. 

"Hyuna noona." he called.


"Let's continue our plan." he said and I nodded. 

"Bring her out of Korea. It's for her good." he said and looked at her. 

"I can't witness how he put her life in chaos. I don't want her to be hospitalized anymore. She deserves to be happy." I said. 

"Let's talk about it later." 

Back to one chapter one day yay. Hopefully I could continue like that. :)) 

Sorry for the short chapter. 
I love you guys.
3.1 K. YAY

Imma go eat my dinner now.

Ciao ciao.

Ciao ciao

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