CHAPTER 12: Jeong Mina

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Jinhye's point of view

I talked to Min Young. I got to know her more. And ya, she is quite pitiful. I wish to help her find her 5 year-old brother. 

I think she and my Bummie is quite match together. I wish them to be together. Hehe

It's a Saturday. So why not go to the shopping mall that my husband owns? 

Min Young said that the cafe she is working at is taking a day off. I think she is tutoring Bummie at home? 

Yea, Bummie. 

"Eomma, I felt that someone is following us.." my 4 year-old son, Jaehyung, said and pulled my sleeve. 

I slowly peeked behind us and I saw a familiar figure. 

I smirked and shrugged it off. 

"It's okay. Let her follow. I'm willing to know what she wants to do next." I said to my son. He is old enough to understand anyways. My son is surprisingly born-to-be a savage person which I'm quite proud of it. 

I purposely went into a shop. 

"Oh, HI! Are you Jae Bum's auntie?" the familiar figure asked me. 

God damn that brat I thought I told him to say that I'm his sister.

"Um. Ya. Call me Jinhye. And you are.. Jeong Mina right?" I asked. "Ah yes. Such a coincidence huh?" she said and shyly scratched the back of her neck. 

Coincidence my foot, stalker.

"Ah yes." I replied and started to fake looking around the shop. Well, Bummie told me about her before. This girl actually broke into our house before. So that's why I recognize her. 

Aish, I wish I'm still as close as Bummie like old times. He just changed after his father's incident.

"Erm, Jinhye, look what you want to buy, I'll pay it for you." Mina said.

Shall I make you bankrupt? 

"Eomma, can we buy some clothes for Min Young Noona? She is so good to me. I don't want her to wear those type of clothes." Jaehyung pulled my sleeve and smirked innocently. (A/N: Idk if there's something called smirked innocently so ya my English isn't that good heh.)

God, this son totally have my heredity.

I eyed Mina and saw her gritting her teeth and glared at Jaehyung. 

I looked at Jaehyung and smiled, "Of course we can." I smiled. 

"Fucking son of a bitch, I was going to say I'll buy everything your mom wants and now I need to spend my money for that totally poor bitch." Mina's thoughts.

"Erm, excuse me. I would like to buy this whole store." I said and I looked at Mina and saw her forcing a smile at me.

"Thank you so much!" the worker said and bowed to me. She start writing the bills. "MINA! Didn't you say that you're paying?" I asked and smirk. 

"O-Oh yea." she responded. 

"Shit fuck. I'm gonna be so dead if mom finds out that I'm buying all these things and my pocket money will be gone forever." -Mina thought

She hesitantly give her credit card to the worker. 

The worker took it and swiped it on the card thingy (A/N: Guys, I seriously don't know how you say that. Mind to comment so that I can know thank you mates.)

"Um... Sorry to say but the card can't work. I t-think it doesn't have enough money for these." the worker said. (A/N: Guys, I seriously don't know how that thing works.)

"Oh never mind. I'll pay it." I took out my credit card and give it to the worker. The worker bowed and smiled. After the worker swiped my card, she smiled to me. 

"I'll help you to call some worker here and deliver it to your house, please write down your address." the worker said and I peeked Mina. Her face look pale. 

"Don't be like that. I know you want to pay for me that much. You can just give repay me back those money I helped you to give." I said and give her a bitchy smile. 

Yea, she totally deserves that.

"Um, Jinhye, can I go to your house? It's been years I never went to your house already." she said and fake smile. 

"Of course." I said. 

Of course. Yehet.


"Follow me please." I said. 

I carried Jaehyung up. 

Suddenly, we heard something came out from JB's room. 




Mina and my eyes widened. 


"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" I heard Mina yelled. 

I quickly took a peek into JB's room. Hoping that he didn't do anything wrong. 

"What? I was just tutoring him but he took forever in the toilet." Min Young innocently said. 

"CHOI MIN YOUNG! GET OUT OF THIS HOU-" her words is cut by the massive voice of JB. 


Mina looked at JB in disbelieve. 

"Y-You never yelled at me like that..." Mina's eyes is filled with tears. 


She covered her face and just ran out like that. 

Things not going so god huh...

~to be continued~



I'm sorry for those mistakes I did. And, 

Tomorrow today  by JJ project is out! 


It's really nice. 

It's lyrics is so meaningful. 

Well, what are you waiting for?


Let's reach 10 M IGOT7 HWAITING!



Hope you have a good day bye. 

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