Chapter 17: Quite well?

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Min Young's point of view

"WHAT? I DIDN'T HIRE YOU A MAID FOR NOTHING." I rolled my eyes as he doesn't want to wash his clothes himself. 

"Come on, this is part of independent. You can't guarantee someone is gonna do all these things for you when you live yourself in your very own apartment." I folded my arms. 

"Come, I teach you." I said and sat down on the stool. I scrubbed the shirt against the wash board. 

He sat down on the other stool with a disgusted face. 

He then followed my steps. 

"See, isn't that bad right? This is how you be independent's first step. But you haven't succeed it." I said. 

"Why? I'm washing it now..." he said still hanging that disgusted face. 

"Because I don't know if you'll wash your clothes everyday. You just did it today and that doesn't mean that you'll make sure to wash your clothes everyday." 

"There, I helped you one and you need to do all those by yourself." I said and walked to his desk. 

I took out his Maths book and start looking for the pages I marked yesterday. Those pages are the topics that JB told me that he doesn't understand any shits about it. 

I took a piece of paper and write down all the important notes and decided to teach him later. 

I'll let him read the notes while he has his free time. 

"MIN YOUNG! I'M DONE WITH IT!" he shout from the bathroom. 

"Now, take the bucket of clothes and follow me." I commanded. 

"YAH! AREN-" "No. You need to carry yourself." I cut his words off as I knew what he's gonna say next. 

I brought him to the back yard and stand in front of the racks where we dry clothes. I took a bunch off clothes pin and give it to him. 

"Hang it like this." I said and hang one as an example. 

"Urgh... Fine." he groaned. He start doing. 

"Keep on until you finish. After that, go and wash yourself. I'll be teaching you Maths later." I said and go upstairs and continue with the notes. 

Narrator's point of view

"Who is she to command my prince to do all those hard works? He didn't hire maids for nothing." Jeong Mina complained as she hid behind the bushes. 

"Oh, I'm JEONG MINA. Why the hell am I hiding behind a tree?" she said and she got out. 

She walked in front of JB's house and rang the door bell. 

One of the maids opened the door for her. 

"Where is Bummie?" she asked. 

"Backyard, Ms Jeong." she bowed. 

Mina walked inside without taking a glance at the maid. 

"Oh well, look who's here! My dear MINA!" suddenly Jinhye came out of nowhere. 

Jinhye's sudden appearance made Mina mentally rolled her eyes in her heart. (A/N: I don't know if you can say it like that so screw it.)

"Are you here to return the money you owe me?" she asked and it made Mina's eyes grew wide after rolling her eyes. 

"Um... Um..." "Oh? You don't have enough money?" Jinhye asked in a sarcasm way. (A/N: I don't know I don't know I don't know how you describe that thingy. My English is bad please forgive me.)

"Um.. Actually yes.. Can-" "Oh? Nah it's okay. I can just call your parents and I can just tell them and you can return it back to me." Jinhye said in a fast way. 

"Oh no need. I don't want to waste any of your time. I think I can return the money back to you after this weekend." Mina quickly stopped Jinhye. 

"It's not a waste when it comes to you okay? I'll settle it." Jinhye said and pick her phone up. 


Mina's eyes grew wide as she said 'hello' 

"Good afternoon, Ms Jeong. Yes, I'm Jinhye. Um, last time I saw Mina and I borrowed her some money." 

"Yes yes. I'll send you the receipt later on. Thank you Ms Jeong." 

"There, all set. You don't need to worry so much now." Jinhye faked a smile. 

"Y-Yea.. thanks. I think I better get going." Mina's plan is ruined once again. Mina left the house immediately after saying that. 

"You'll never win me, Jeong Mina. Touch my family I'll kill you. So don't ever have any plans on my Min Young." Jinhye said and chuckled. 

She then walked to her room to check up on her son Jaehyung. 

JB's point of view

I did the laundry and I overheard the conversation between my aunt and Mina. 

That's why I love my aunt so much even though I'm harsh towards her now. 

Her burning skills is the best. 

I went up to my room and prepare to die. 

Maths. Aish.

I open my room door slowly. 

I saw a figure laying her head on my desk. 

I walked closely and I knew it's Min Young. 

I admired her face. I smiled unknowingly. I've been like that sometimes. 


I accidentally pushed the chair. 


I thought I won't be tutoring by her since she's asleep.. 

And what am I thinking about. She's awake. 

Thanks to god. 

"Oh I fell asleep? I see that you really want me to teach you Maths that you have to wake me up huh?" she said with a sarcasm in the tone. 

"Yea yea." notice the sarcasm? Aish. 

I guess I just have to. 


"URGH! I don't even understand this. What is this eish." I groaned. 

Min Young still taught me until I understand the question. 

I guess she really wants me to ask her to do whatever I want her to do huh?

"There, understand?" she asked. 

"Yes." I replied as I tried to do the other question. 

"Oh, it's time to go to work. You can rest or whatever." she said. "I'm gonna go now. Bye." she said. 

"Bye..." I said and took a glance on the clock. 

"It's 3 pm already. 4 pm I need to go to the company and train... Aish." I said and did the next question. 

I packed my things and walked out the room after offing the lights in my room. 

~to be continued~ 



No author noted eheh

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