Chapter 1

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"Harry . . . HARRY!" Ron screams in my ear.

"What!" I yell back. I open my eyes to find Ron and the twins standing over me with their brooms.

"Lets practice some quidditch. You haven't played since third year since it was canceled for the tornement." He replied. I let out a sigh and sit up off the bed. I grab my glasses and i shove them on to my face. I get up and get dressed in jeans and a green T-shirt. We walk into the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley cooking breakfast for the seven of us.

"Good morning Molly. Do you need any help with breakfast?" I ask as I approach her and give her a hug around the waist.

"Good morning dear. Could you help Ginny set up the table please?" She asks. I give a tight smile and nod my head. I slowly walk into the dining room to find Ginny in a short summer dress stopping at mid thigh, that had a random leaf pattern across it. She looks up at me and smiles as she walks closer to me. She gives me a crushing hug while making sure that her breasts are pressed to my chest.

 She gives me a crushing hug while making sure that her breasts are pressed to my chest

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"Hi Harry!" she says as as she gets back to setting up the kitchen table. I give a smile smile back and help her. We get the table cleared and lay out the silverware, plates, napkins (Mr. Weasley insist on using them since I told him what they are for), and the food. We all take our seats and dig in to the biscuts and gravy. "So Harry, are you playing quidditch this school year?" Ginny asks while staring at me. I nervously clear my throat.

"Yes, Ginny, I am. I am also going to try harder in studies so I can have a better chance at being an auror. I want to earn it and not get it just because I'm Harry Potter." I say. Molly just tightly smiles and everyone continues with their breakfast. When we finnish, Arthur goes to work while Molly and Ginny clean the kitchen. Ron, the twins and I go outside into the field and straddle our brooms. We go up into the air and we start. The twins go against us. Right now George and I are keepers while Fred and Ron are the chasers. After a few rounds we decide to take a break before changing positions. I go to sit down in a transfigured chair only to feel a pain in my scar. My vision gets blurry and i hear Fred and George calling for their mother. The last thing I hear before everything goes black is Ron asking why should anyone care what's going on.


"Hello Harry." I hear beside me. I slowly open my eyes to find and older Tom Riddle looking down at me, the only difference being that he has red eyes instead of blue. I sit up and look around an unfamiliar room. The wall are a cool grey with black trim and oak floors. I'm laying on a king-sized four-poster bed with black silk sheets and an emerald comforter.

"What am I doing here and where am I?" I ask. I'm not scared, just irritated and I let my voice show it too. Vodermort smiles and sits on the edge of the bed in which I back away from him. I thought I saw a look of hurt in his eyes but I just play it off as a trick of the light.

"Harry, you are here because I need to talk to you and as to where you are . . . you are physically on the Weasley"s couch but you're mentally in your own head and I just happened to get in and pull you here." he says. I roll my eyes and flop back down on the bed. "Have you thought about that question from the graveyard?" he asks. I sigh and close me eyes.

" . . . yes" I say. " I do question how the Weasley's get money to buy these new things and why Dumbledore only lets me stay at the Weasley's and not with Sirius and Remus while I'm not with my relatives." I say. "I hate how you have a very good point." I groan. I scowl at the chuckle that comes from his chest.

" You see, Harry, Dumbledore has been lying to you and the light. I do not wish to get rid of muggleborns, simply make them choose which world to live in. If they choose the magical world, than they will stay here with the muggles memories wiped. I just want to restore the magical world because now muggleborns have brought their traditions and wizards forget their own. Im trying to keep us safe, surely you undersand." he says. I think about what he said and he has a good point.

"How do I know that you're not lying to me?" I ask as I sit up and gasp at how close he is. Our lips just mere inches apart. He has a smirk on his face as he moves so that our lips brush together.

"Think, Harry, when have I ever lied to you?" He softly presses his lips to mine and leans closer. I gasp and he slips into my mouth. My mind is screaming to pull away but my body leans into the touch and my eyes slip closed. I moan as his tongue rubs softly against mine. He slowly pulls away and suddenly the bed becomes interesting. Long, cold fingers lift my chin so emerald meets crimson. He gives a soft smile and gently pecks my lips again before pulling away.

" W-what was th-that for?" I ask in a barley audible whisper. I can feel a blush starting to rise across my face. He rubs my bottom lip with his thumb and for some strange reason the action caused me to blush even more.

"You'll soon find out my sweet little snake . . . soon." he says as he slowly pulls away and stands at the end of the bed. " You see, a wizard comes into an inheritance when they turn 15, they get their lordships and can claim their heir. Some wizarding lines have creature blood in them as a family member was turned into one or married a creature to keep the bloodlines pure. You are not a Potter as James is a submissive creature and couldn't get Lily pregnant and she was infertile. James' mate knew the plan but you were not a part of it. So when James asked me to come over that Halloween night because of an emergency, I knew that something was going to go wrong. He told me to get you out of the house because Lilly was working with the crazy old man. I picked you up and I knew what you were to me. I was so busy trying to take the glamour off so I could see the real you that I didn't realize we weren't alone. I turned around and found Dumbledore and Lilly in the doorway. Before I knew what happened, I saw green heading towards us both and I turned so that I would absorb the curse and not you. You were dropped and hit your head. I don't know anything that happend after that. First year I was just trying to get to you and last year the potion caused for the blood of my mate . . ." he says the last part as a soft whisper. I froze when I heard the last few words.

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