Chapter 33

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Hadrian's POV

I walk to lunch with a scowl on my face. That little bitch desrved it. I am not a suger baby. I walk into the cafeteria and it seems like everyone looked at me but I ignored them and instead went and sat on my brothers lap. 

"Well hello there little kitty." He chuckles. I just nuzzle into his neck and watch as fred and george eye me wearily. I smile back at them and offer them a seat beside me. Slowly they stand up and the whole hall watches as they walk over and sit next to Draco. I climb off his lap and put Fred where I once was. 

"Im gonna go check up on Tom and tell him I have detention with the bitch tonight." I say. He nods,  busy with giving Geroge small kisses and playing with Freds hair. I smile and wave goodbye to the rest of the table and head to our room. I go into the common room and cough when I catch Severous with James bent over one of the tables. 

"You're lucky it was just me and you still had pants on." I smirk. Sev growls and drags a red faced James into their own room. I just laugh and head to the closed door. I give a sad smile when I enter and see that he is still asleep, hugging my pillow to his chest and has a half eaten biscut in his hand. I giggle and peck his forehead, seeing that his fever is gone. 

"Are you doin'" He mumbles as he rolls over and hugs my waist. 

"I came to check on you and tell you that i have detention tonight with the bitch." I mumble. 

"What did that weasle do."


I sigh as I get ready to head to the DADA classroom. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to go?" tom asks as he pecks my lips. 

"It's jsut detention, I think I can manage" I whisper. He relunctanly nods and lets me leave. 

As I arrive to the classroom 5 mins early, the toad herself appears and ushers me intot he classroom. 

"I want you to write some lines for me, you may only use the pen and paper that I provide. Now start." SHe says with a smikr. I just roll my eyes and begin to write. 


It has been two months and Christmas is running close and so is the due date for our projects. Ron has caused me to get detentoin every night for little things like not doing what I was supposed to . Letting Tom feed off me in class. 

I havent told Tom about the quil and writing, but I'm fine. Just a little scratch, it doesnt hurt. 

I look down at the passage about pregnant Nekos and smile. 

"When a male neko is pregnant, they won't know at first because it takes a month for any signs to start. When the symptoms start, the neko will become dependent on their mate, wanting to be around them all the time, wanting reasurence that they are beautiful. The dominant will be more than happy to supply these things. A neko pregangcy will only last 4-6 months depending on if the dominant is a creature or not. If the dominant is a creature, then the pregnancy will last roughly 5 months. The Neko will start to show midway through the 2nd month. After the first month, the neko will become emotional and whiny, wanting nothing more than their mate. There will be no sickness if the dom is a creature and the cravings will start at the beginging of the thrid month and last a couple months after the birth. With male nekos, the birthing process is like that of a womans except a little more painful. intercourse is still allowed as the birth canal will not be open until labor. Normaly the baby will take after the Dom, but if the neko is of royal decent, then there is more likely chance of the child being a neko also." 

I write down all the information, humming as I feel arms wrap around my waist. 

"Hello kitten." Tom mumbles against my neck. I giggle and cuddle more into him. He smiles and puts my book down and picks me up and lays me on the bed. (No smut ) I snuggle into his side as he holds me close to his chest. 

"So what do you have planned for the holidays?" I ask. He just shrugs his shoulders and nuzzles the side of my neck. 

"Can we do a raid? I havn't been in one and they Deatheater havn't done one this month yet." I say. He sighs and nods his head. 

"How about Christmas eve? Does that sound like a plan?" He asks. I nod and giggle at him. 

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