Q and A's

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Ok, so sorry for taking  so long for this. Some may be answered already, but I am going to answer them still


Hadrian Malfoy (Harry)

Are you planning on fucking Tom soon?

Um . . . . I don't f-feel  *blushes madly*   next question please

How does it feel to be on the darkside?

It is amazing. I feel free and I do not feel judged. I am still a little weary thoug I am afriad that this is only a dream.

How do you feel about Tom being older than you?

I feel more safe. I know some people might find it gross, but I kind of like it. *blushes*


When are you and Harry gonna fuck?

When he is ready. I will be a complete gentlemen. . . . at first. *Smirks*

How did you know Hadrian was the one?

I do not know how to describe it. I looked at him when he was nothing but a babe and my heart warmed, knowing that he would be all mine one day. 


Good job siri.

What did I do? If you'ren talking about making Hadrian cry, I promise, I didn't mean to. Don't tell Tom.

Why did you roast Harry?

Because I can. 

Remus Black-Lupin

Do you and Sirus fuck in animal form?

*blushes* Maybe . . . .

How does it feel to kiss Sirus?

Amazing. He is so gentle and soft when we kiss and than when he gets rough . . . . . 

Siruis: Babe, you better not finish that sentence

Remus: *blushes and closes mouth* 

For you both. Have. You. Done. The frick fraks yet?

Yes, we have been together for about 20 years. Of course we have. 

Lucius Malfoy

HI LUCY!!!!!!  IS YOUR HAIR AS SOFT AS I'VE HEARD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Yes, my hair is extremly soft. Just  as my wife, she should know. 

Becasue no one has asked yet, what happened to James if your with Narcissa?

You have to ask Severus about that. I would like to keep my hair, thank you very much.

Narcissa Malfoy

what are you going to do to the traitors?

 I am going to let them bleed out but not allow them to die. I will slowly pull their veins out of their bodies until they beg me to let them die. Then I will taunt them and make them live their worst nightmare. Then I will pour acid onto their wounds. 

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