Chapter 21

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Hey guys. The bolded part of the chapter is written by @forgetmenot1936. They wanted me to finish the chapter and that is what I plan on doing.



I was wandering the mansion one thursday, just looking about when i stumbled across the libarary. I skimmed the books finding both muggle and magical books, i even found books (plarseltoungue) WHICH i could read. It was a fantasy by Salazar Slythrin. I saw there where middnight blue arm chairs in rhe corner with tables. I curled uo and started to read all too soon losing track of the time. 


 I paced and pace for i could not fimd my sweet little kitten anywhere. Ah.... 'DRACOOO" i screamed rushing to his room. " Yes lord, what do you need me for this time." He sighed slowing down his pace to match my own. "Have you seen your twin?...." "Nope.... however he loves to read soo did yoy TRY the libarary at all cause knowing him hes curled up with a book." Draco huffed because of how stupid i am and i fully agree at the moment because of all the stress i have on me of hiding the fact i wanna marry the kitten so hes mine and im his. " thank you draco" i said hastily and i sprinted to the libarary is hoping hes still there. 


14 years ago.... I was walking in muggle london looking in all of the jewellery shops when i pass and old antiques shop. "Hello, i was wondering if you habe any rings you could show me" "Aahh yes, Riddle pray tell what ring your looking for so i may better help your search.

....the ring.....The simple elagance was what descrbed our love...the sweet kitten and protective vamp.( mixing a bit of percy jackson here with the imperial gold olympic silver and the bronze ect)The ring a chaotic black gold with swirls of animals. The sapphire blue rimmed the garnet, soft emerald and citrtine as a comtinued swirling designed on the top of the ring....the colours of the houses we both represent as that is our home in many ways.(colour of ring with the swirl and main stone with two sapphires where the dimonds are and the other jewles along the S on top of the opal)....


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I walk into the library and just see the siloutte of my beloved. 

"Hey, Hadrian. Could you get dressed in something nice. I want to take you somewhere." I say, hoping to keep the nerves out of my voice. He smiled and nodded before putting up the book and walking to our room. I take a deep breath and make my way to where I know the adult Malfoy's were. 

Hadrian's POV

I go and take a shower before getting ready. I decide to leave my hair down and go to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decide to go with a pale blue dress that matches my eyes and decide no makeup. I slip on some silver shoes and head into the foyer where Tom told me to wait.


"Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, I would like to ask for your son's hand in marrige." I say. Lucius smiles and nods while Narcissa just glares at me. 

"When do you plan on getting married?" she asks.

"Either when he graduates or when the war is over. I would let him choose." I say.

"Do you want any children?" 

"Yes maam, maybe three. It depends on how many he want's though." I say back, becoming nervous.

"When do you plan on taking his virginity?" I kind of spluttred at this question and stared at her wide eyed. I looked and saw that Mr. Malfoy had a blush on his face and wide eyes also. 

" Um . . . I . . . wh-when h-he's ready." I choke out, too shocked by her straighforwardness. She gives a small nod and then smiles.

" You passed." she says and gracefully walks out of the room. I look back a Lucius and he just laughs and shakes his head. 

"God I love that woman." He mutters before following her. 


Ok. I am going to do two parts to this because it is going to be long and I want to give you guys an update. I will have the other part out by Wednsday hopefully. 

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