Chapter 10

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(Unknown POV) 

I was in Diagon Alley with my mother and father to get my supplies for Hogwarts. They wonder off to get the basics like quills, ink, parchment, books. I left to get my familiar at the local pet shop in Knockturn Alley. I walked in and I could basically feel the stares. There were a couple of girls in there that were twirling their hair and batting their eyelashes at me just to get my attention. Sometimes I curse father for giving me my veela traits. 

"How may I help you young sir?" The shop keeper asks.

" I am simply looking for my familiar, I wont need any help." I say. I can see the disappointed look in her face when I walk away. I follow the pull and it leads me to the cat section, which I had to say is weird. I look and find a snow white cat with red eyes that reminded me of Voldemort. I picked her up and she cuddled to my chest. I could feel a connection but not as strong of one as there should have been. I walk around more with her on my shoulder until I feel a much stronger pull and connection to a black eagle. I walk over to it and he lands on my shoulder, gently nipping at my earlobe. I smile and head to the front of the store, paying for them and heading to a local pub to eat. Halfway through, the Weasley bunch appeared and started to talk a little to loudly about their plans for Harry Potter before said boy confronted them. When I heard him say that he was gay and had a boyfriend, I let a small smile grace my lips. I always wanted to see him happy because I knew that Granger and Weasley were just faking it. I felt bad for him and all the things that Dumbledore put him through. When I was done with my meal, I headed to the tattoo parlor to get a few upgrades.

"AH, my favorite customer! How may I be of service today?" Jaykub (this is the spelling of my friends name.) I give him a smile and sit down at my usual spot and remove my shirt to show a small family tree that runs along my spine with my mother and father at the top, and me and my brother at the bottom. 

" I would like to get a picture of my familiar by my name with his name, Ares, and a picture of the cat by my brothers name. I have a feeling that this one belongs to him, and when I learn the name, I will come back to have it done." I say. He nods and gets to work. Halfway through, his boyfriend comes back in from break and gets all excited when he sees me.

"YAY! Please tell me you want some new piercings too. You only have a lip and ear." He says while pouting. I smile and nod.

"Anything for you Keleb" I say. After a few hours of the new body art, I gently tug on my shirt, careful of the new piercings. "Thank you guys. See you soon." I say. They smile and wave as I walk to the clothing store me and mother agreed to meet at. I enter and walk to where I see her looking at new dresses, trying to decide which one to get. "You would look beautiful in all of them mom. I promise." She jumps and then gives me a reassuring smile.

"They are not for me. I was hoping that when you brother came home, since he is submissive, he would like dresses. I think he would look so cute in them." She says. I give a sad smile and then I feel a strong pull. I immediately fly outside and stop just a few feet in front of the one person I have wanted to see since I was born. We make eye contact and a choked sob leaves his throat.


Ok so when I spelt loudly, I did it wrong the first time (loudley) and it wanted to auto-correct it to Dudley. 

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