Chapter 25

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Snape's POV

I walk through the halls to my rooms in the dungeon. Today is the first day of school. Hadrian wishes to go and be sorted and so will our Lord. Things could go very wrong. I go to the portrait that has a young Slytherin woman.

"Password?" she asks as she gives me a look.

"Agapi." I sigh as I look at her. She does not really agree with my password choice, but it's what James always called me. I walk into my private quarters to unpack my clothes and paperwork. I really hope this years Gryffindors don't get on my nerves.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later at Dinner---------------------------------------------------------------------

I sit next to Dumbledore at the table and look at all of my new snakes. A few look skinny and scared, but I will take care of that. Others looked jumpy and afraid when someone bumps into them. I look to the Lion's den and see everyone be noisy and ignoring their new housemates. When Dumbledore stands to make the new announcements, Minnie interrupts him.

"We have two new students today that will be starting their fifth year. Thomas Gaunt and Hadrian Malfoy." She calls out. The hall goes silent as the two walk to the front. Tom's glamour only made him younger, his skin a little darker, his features are a little sharper, and his eyes are violet because the glamour couldn't cover up the red tent in them.

I watch as Hadrian sits down and as the Hat is being placed on his head, it yells out what no one expected.

"Hogwarts' Heir!" the room is silent and I look next to me to see a tomato.

"Not possible." He mumbles.

"Slytherin!" The hat yells and then Hadrian goes to my house. The same thing happened to Tom and he joins his soulmate, pulling him onto his lap. When Dumbledore stands again, a pink toad yells over him. This is going to be an interesting year.


As i slip on my pajama pants, i look at my wall and notice that a stone is coming out. I walk over and go to push it back in, only for it not to budge. I didn't feel like fixing it with magic because my wand was in my office, so I pulled it out, only to find wood behind it. I thought it was weird, so i go and get my wand and start pulling bricks out. Now I stand before a door that looks like it has been there before Hogwarts was built.

I slowly push open the door, and what is there, makes my heart stop.


Ok, sorry for taking so long, I have been busy with end of the year things and camp, and my aunt passing away, i finally got this done. This is not the end of the chapter, but I needed a small cliff hanger. I love you guys and always Dramaticate.


What is see before me is a dungeon that is filthy and reeks of piss and vomit. I walk through the halls of cells because I can hear someone mumbling. I make sure to keep my wand tight in my hands as I stumble across the last two cells. I look to my right and see Bellatrix mumbling to herself as she hold something in her hand.

"Bella!" i yell. "I saw them rip you to shreds, what are you doing here." I ask. She jumps and looks at me and runs to the door.

"SEVERUS! THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE. GET ME OUT! I'VE BEEN HERE FOR A YEAR AND I AM GOING INSANE! LILY HAS BEEN TAKING MY HAIR AND MAKING POLY-JUICE. YOU HAVE TO WARN TOM!" She yells while banging on the door. I scan her mind and find everything true. I quickly unlock her and she goes to the cell across from hers and tries to open it. When i turn around, i see a huge lump in the corner that doesn't seem to be breathing.

"What are you doing. They're dead Bella." I say.

"For your sake I really hope not." she mumbles. I give her a look and she finally gets the door open an runs to the figure and checks for a pulse. "YES! HE'S STILL ALIVE. WE NEED TO LEAVE. NOW!" She tries to run but stumble and so i levitate her and the other body out of the dungeon and close the door behind. I go and take them to my guest room and call Tom and Hadrian. When Bell lays the body on the bed, tears start to well up in my eyes.

My sweet little angel. How could he does this to you.

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