chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes to find Ginny straddling my hips while looming over me asking if I'm alright. I close my eyes and try to focus on not snapping at her.

"Ginny, can you please get off of me?" I ask while gritting my teeth. She looks shocked but slowly clambers off me. I slowly sit up and groan at the oncoming headache.

"Oh Harry! We were so worried. You didn't move and you were barely breathing. What happened?" Ginny asks. I can hear the fake concern in her voice and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Nothing, Voldemort was just mad and I suffered the after effects." I say. "I'm just going to go and lay down for a little while." I get up and walk into Percy's old room where I am staying. I close the door and lock it with wandless magic. I plop down onto the bed and look up at the ceiling, thinking back to earlier. I don't even bother to move when I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey Harry, can we come in?" fred and george ask. I open the door and allow them in and sit back down on my bed with them on either side of me.

(F)"Harry, we have -
(G) something to -
(F&G) tell you." they say. I think about it and give them a nod to continue.

(F)" ok, just hear us out and remember that we never wanted this to happen to you. we love you and Percy, Bill, and Charlie are on our side. The day Ron got his letter, Dumbledore came to visit us and he wanted to talk to Molly, Arthur, Ron, and Ginny."

(G)" He talked about how THE Harry Potter was coming to Hogwarts that year and that you needed to stay under his thumb. So he made a proposal to them. He would pay them to take you in and to be kind to you and he promised Ginny that she would be lady Potter."

(F)" The worst thing is that they were all taking money out of your vaults, Harry, even Hermoine. The only reason why we are risking telling you now is because Molly, Ginny, and Albus are making an illegal marriage contract between you and Ginny." They look at me with guilt shining in their eyes and I give them a weak smile.

"Thanks guys. I really appriciate it. I had been having doubts. I have something to tell you." I recite to them everything that has been going on and what happended with Tom.They sit there and stare at me wide eyed.

"So you're not a Potter and your mate is Tom Riddle." They say together. I nod and they get a wicked grin and start planning on how to get back at the light.

"So what answer did you give him?" George asked. I look at them and blush and I hear them chuckle.

"So you finally have someone to love her and to love. Good job litte bro." Fred says happily. We  head down to the kitchen for dinner and we take our normal seats. Molly and Arthur  on both ends with (starting at molly's end) Ron, George, and ginny while on the other side its Hermoine, Fred ad me.

"Hey Hermione, when did you get here?" I ask as I carefully inspect my food.

"Oh, my mom said that I could spend the rest of the summer here with you and Ron." She says. I nod and go to take a sip of my pumpkin juice only to smell a love potion in it. I slowly calm myself down before I look up at Ginny and try to calm myself.

"Ginny?" I say. She twirls her hair and tries to give me a suductive look.

"Yes Harry?" she says sweetly. 

"Please explain to me why there s a love potion in my dink. I can smell it." I grit out. The twins whip their heads to the direction of Ginny and the two Weasley women turn pale.

"I d-don't know what you are​ t-talking about Harry."She stutters out. I slowlly calm my breathnig and look back at her.

"I can smell the love potion in my pumpkin juice. I think of you as my little sister Ginny. I don't like you like that, I'm sorry." I say. You can see the frustration in her eyes that she tries and fails to hide.

"But you love me Harry. We're supposed to get married and have red headed and green eyed babies running around our house." She says and batts her eyes. I shake my head while the twins hide their laughs with coughs.

(F)"Jumping ahead -
(G)" sister dear?" the say. I snicker.
(F)"Besides, you're -
(G)"not his -
(F&G)" type." they finish. I choke a little bit at the end and send them glares while they feign innocent looks.                                                                            

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