Chapter 29

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Hadrians POV

We all waked into the great hall together, Nahtan (Neville) onmy other side. Everyone looked at us and Dumbledore looked like he was choking. If only he had.  I say. I hear Tom give a low chuckle. Stop reading my mind.  

Sorry love, I want to hear all the dirty things you think about. I blush at his words and we all sit down at our respected tables, meaning that Nathan has to do deal with the brats. Tom and I sit at the head of the Syltheirn table, him pulling my chair out for me. I give him a quick peck on the cheek beofore I sit down. I grab a biscut and some friut while Tom grabs any type of meat he could find. I smirk when I see the "grape juice" in his cup. 

Did you not feed enough last night?  I say. He looks at me and gives a smirk back. 

I did, im just feeling a little bit drained after this morning.  I roll my eyes and continue to eat my breakfast when James comes and hands out our class schedules. 

"Hello Professor Jacob." I say. He nods back in acknoledgement before stiffining. 

"Hello Mr. Gaunt and Mr. Malfoy. Can I talk to you in my office before classes start. I have already talked to Severus and he knows. " I turn around and see Dumblefuck looking back down at me, glanceing slightly at Tom. 

"Yes, I suppose. Not very good to be missing the first class of the first day of school though." Tom answers. I just nod and lean against him while I watch Dumbledore eye "Jacob" suspeciously. He just shakes his head and then goes back to the head table. Severus immedeatly goes to James' side to whisper comforting words in his ears. I look at our table and see the rest of the Slytherins looking at us with a smile, which probably freaked the rest of the school out. 


"Hello Headmaster." I greet as Tom and I take a seat across from him. 

"Please my boy, call my Albus." He says as he pops a disgusting lemon drop in his mouth. I cringe and simply nod. "Anyways, I want to discuss your . . . arrangement." He states.

"What do you mean?" Tom asks. 

"Well, given youre a vampire, should I be conserned about the well being of the rest of the students?" 

"No, i only feed off of my mate and if I need extra blood, I have a houseelf here that is helping in the kitchen and will bring me the blood from the meat." He says. I can tell that the question agitated him a little bit. 

"Very well, and Hadrian, may I ask as to how you are a Malfoy?" I roll my eyes. Did he not read the papers that the school gave him, it stated everything in there. 

"I am  the child of Valentine and Marissa Malfoy, cousin to Draco Malfoy. Lucius is my Uncle who so kindly took me and my mate in after my parents passing last year. You heard about it in the news, Voldamort realized they wanted to leave and killed them, he had no idea about me." I state.

"Then why are you staying with your Uncle, he is a suspected Deatheater, along with the rest of your family." He says. How fucking stupid can one person be! I grit my teeth and force a smile.

"Because I trust my family and know they love me and would never put me in danger." I say. Im getting tired of this. 

"Ok, and may I ask what kind of creature you are. You are not a Veela like all the other Malfoys." He asks. 

"I am a Neko. A royal Neko at that. Now, if you excuse me, we have classes to be attending." I grit out. I stand up and as soon as we get to the door, he opens his fucking mouth again.

"Are going to let your submissive talk to me like that Mr. Gaunt?" I can hear the anger in his voice and it brougt me a little satisfaction. Suddenly, Tom is not by my side and there is the sound of someone choking. 

"If you ever so much a look at my MATE again, I will no hesitate to drain you dry. I heard your thoughts and I will allow my EQUAL to do as I please. I am a creature and I have more rights than your puniy little title of headmaster for simply throwing your mate in prison. I know everything and if you wish to keep it secret, than I suggest you leave your crooked little nose out of our lifes." Next thing I know we are in Severus' class and the Gryffindors and Slytherins look like they have seen a ghost.

"Mr. Gaunt, nice of you to join us, please, take a seat." Severus says. I can tell that he was a little hesitant to do so, seeing as Tom's eyes were red. Well, this is going to be an enteresting year. 

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