Chapter 36

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I was excited, we are going on the raid today and I was jumping off the walls. Tom has tried to tell me it was too dangerous with the baby, but I assured him that it was fine and I would be by his side anyways. I run up the stairs from Tom's office and head to our room to choose an outfit for tonight. I have to wear a glamour so that no one can tell that it is me. I will still let my neko features show but they will be orange instead of white. 

(He still has his girly figure though

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(He still has his girly figure though. just how his head looks)

I go through the closet and look at all the clothes I own. I want to wear somthing that will go with my "red hair" so I choose green leather. 

(Imagine it is emereald green and not black)

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(Imagine it is emereald green and not black)

I squeal when warm hands are placed on my hips as I go to undress. I turn around and look into red eyes, smiling fondly as he pecks my forehead, and then squats down to kiss my flat stomach. 

"Hey." I whisper, not wanting to ruin this intimate moment. He looks up at my and smiles. 

"Hi" he whispers back. I twist my fingers into his hair, lightly tugging on it so I can kiss him mouth. He sighs as our lips mold together, soft and slow. I pull away for air, looking into his eyes as I lean aginst his chest. 

"Can we match?" I ask. He has not denied me anything since we found out I was pregnant. My hormones have not been to crazy, but when I asked him to get somthing off the top shelf, I started bawling because he said he had to put his tea down first. 

"Yes darling, we can. " he says. 

(Leave as is)

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(Leave as is)

I smile as he comes out of the bathroom and we were both dressed. Now we just need to meet everyone in the meeting room. I skip down the hallway, Tom following close behind. I open the doors and the loud chatter dies down, causing me to giggle. Tom takes a seat in his chair, me stilling on the floor by his side because I was feeling very submissive today. He smiles and unconciously runs his fingers through my hair. 

"OK, this raid is only ment to frighten the flaming chickens, we shall only take a few people to get information out of them. The ones who are under the age of 17 shall not be harmed nor shall the common people in the town." Tom states. 

"Anyone who tries to attack you shall only be stunned and left to be. If you happen to be captured, we will activate plan B and you will take the potion located in your dominate robe sleave. My own group will be around me at all times and will be the main point of the battle. Anyone who is caught exchaning or pleading a deal the the chickens will have a fun night with Moony." I say the last part with a giggle and turn to the smirking man. 

"Lets go!" Tom yells. We cheer and head to Diagon Alley. 

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