Chapter 37

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I giggle as I hear the screams of terror come from the lower ranks of the chicken coop. Dumbledore sent his lower people to fight against us, so basically lead them straight into a massacre, but didn't witness their deaths firsthand. (If you don't get this, I will die of saddness for you have not lived) I nod to Nathan to tell him to let one of the people into our little circle so I can kill them. The woman runs in, broken wand pointed at me with a smirk plastered on her face. 

"You will die you little whore!" she yells. I yawn as I take her wand and snap it like a twig. 

"I'm sorry. How am I a whore if I'm mated and you slept with more men this month than a prostitute has in a year?" I say. Her face turns red as she tries to run at me, ready to grab my throat just has I stab her own broken wand into the side of her neck, blood seeping into the white snow, turning it as red as strawberries in the sumertime. (Ok, i need to stop)

I turn and almost moan as I see Tom in his tight aout fit, dueling with one of the chickens. I know he could have killed them already, but when he looks my way, he smiles and I know he was doing this jsut to entertain me. I giggle when he gets bored and sends the killing curse to the person, walking towards me with a hunger in his eyes. Right as he wraps his arms around me and go to kiss my lips, the order shows up. Great fucking timing! 

The Deatheaters all gather around us in a semi circle, wands drawn and waiting for an order. I sigh and turn around, Tom behind me with his arms around my waist. I lean back into him and wait for the order to do somehting. 

"Well Tom, it seems you got yourself a little whore." Arthour sneers. I pout and Tom lets out a little growl. 

"Oh, you have yourself one too. Ask your wife who fathered your little girl down their. Why do you think is took 5 tries?" Tom smirks as said red heads look down with matching red faces. 

"Why you little -" Suddenly the man is pinned against a wall, finger grasping at the ones on his neck. 

"Now kitten, let the filthy man down, I  don't you to be tainted by this filth." Tom hums. He comes behind me and carefully pulls my nails out of the mans neck. I don't even care that he starts to bleed out. Tom soothingly runs his hands down my sides, stopping himself from laying them on my stomach. 

"Sorry," I mumble. 

"It's fine dear, I know you're a little emotional today." He hums. I lean back into his chest. 

"TOM!!!!" Dumbledore yells. I snap my head in his direction and let out a hiss, eyes turning into slits. 

"You have no right to call him by that name. It is Voldermort to you. You're nothing but a peice of filthy trash, you don't even get the privilage of being in the trash can." I hiss out. I wandlessly throw him into the side of a builiding, him landing in the dumpster. Everyone gasps and goes to help him, only for me to let out another hiss and them to stop. 

"The wizzarding world will be a better place, you just have to hand it over so no one gets hurt. Besides, where is your "Hero"" Tom mocks. The crowd looks around, trying to see if they can spot Harry in the Order's ring. 

"NEVER!" We look at the one who yelled, seeing it was Molly. 

"Of course you would stick up for your lover. He may say he loves you, but ask why he threw his mate in prision and left his child on a doorstep." Tom sneers. I nuzzle into his neck, calming him down. 

"Now if you would excuse us, we have better places to be."

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