chapter 17

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Hadrian's POV

I have spent the last week at the burrow, making up for my attitude.

"Hey there Harry!" Ginny says as she sits on the couch next to me. I give a smile and lay down with my head in her lap. I sigh as I feel her fingers run through my hair, and I close my eyes.

"I want to say that I am sorry for how I acted towards you. I still like boys though, I will just be more careful about it." I say. I can hear her huff.

"I know, but maybe you will grow out of it." She says. I let out a small laugh and slowly even my breath out. The last thing I remember is hearing a knock on the door and I swear I thought I heard a scream.


The next thing I know, I am waking up on a very soft and comfortable bed, wrapped in soft silk sheets and warm, strong arms. My eyes widen and I shoot up and scramble off of the bed and land with a very ungraceful thud. I look up and see worried red eyes looking down at me. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"what do you want now?"I say, my voice breaking at the end. I stand up and get as far away as possible from him. A look of hurt and worry filled his features and I look away, not wanting to be betrayed again.

"Love, please, let me explain."He says as a few stray tears fall from his eyes. "It wasn't me, after you blew up in the meeting, I dismissed them and went to look for you and on my way, one of my deatheaters told me they saw you go through the floo, and since they were one of the elite, I believed them. I went to chase after you but I could not find you, I went crazy. Your mother has tried to hex my balls off many times and Draco has stabbed me multiple times. Your father has been ignoring me. I have tired to find you but it was not until yesterday that I finallly pieced it together. The deatheater had pretended to be me in order to make you leave. She had put a glamour on and told you and the gaurd those things. Baby please, I will give up my magic, I will do anything to make myself forginven, to take your pain away from you." He says. He is full out sobbing now. He crawls off the bed and wraps me in his arms, pulling me into his chest, sobbing into my hair.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry for believng her and I'm sorry for going back." I mumble against his warm, strong chest. 

"Oh God, kitten. I'm so sorry she said those things to you. She is a horrible Aunt to do such a thing to a sweet, innocent, little Neko like you. You are my love." He says as he softly captures my lips in a sweet, but bruising kiss.

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