Chapter 7

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When I awake the next day, Tom is no where to be seen and I'm left alone in the cold bed. I stretch catlike and climb out of bed, walking to he bathroom. I turn on the scolding hot water and strip out of my nasty, grimy clothes. I step under the stream and wash out my now long hair, lathering it in vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. I wash my body with the same soap and step out. After i dry myself off, I put on an old T-shirt and jeans with old sneakers.

"Good morning pup." I hear Sirius say. He turns around and about chokes on his piece of pancake. "I know he said you looked different but I wasn't picturing this." He says. I feel my ears flatten and my tail wraps around by waist. I can feel the tears starts to gather at the corner of  my eyes. Siri's eyes widen when he realizes that I am starting to cry. "OH, Harry! I'm sorry. You look amazing, I just didn't think that you would have changed that much. Please don't cry." He says. I sniffle and walk towards him, burying my face in his chest.

"It's ok. My emotions are kind of haywire today." I say. I give him a smile and hop up onto a stool to eat. Kreacher brings me a bowl of fruit and a cold glass of milk. Halfway through my meal, Tom walks out of the downstairs bathroom in tight skinny jeans, shirt in hand, and was running a towel through his hair. He had a toned chest where you just see the abs. I subconsciously lick my lips, only to hear a deep chuckle. I blush and look up at his eyes to see their playful look.

"Glad to know what I do to you without a shirt." He says.

"Shut up." I mumble, cheeks still flared. He laughs and joins me at the bar and Kreachers brings him bacon, sausage, and ham. When we are finished, we tell Sirius that we are going to head to Gringotts and that we will meet him at the ice cream shop. He agrees and we all leave by apperation.

We end up at the leaky couldron and enter into Diagon Alley. Tom and I immdeatly head to Gringotts. When we enter, all of the Goblin's eyes are on us.

"Hello Lord Gaunt and Lord Potter. How may Gringotts assist you today?" A very wise looking goblin asks.

"We wish to speak to Griphook in private please." I ask. The goblin looks shocked at such manners directed at him and takes us to our desired goblin.

"Come in!" states a gruff voice once we knock on the door. We enter and takes seats in front of the huge oak desk in the elegant office. "WELCOME! I see that you have finally learned the truth Lord Potter." Griphook says.

"Yes. As you know, I went through my inheritance last night. I would like to go over all my papers and know the truth." I say. He nods and pulls out a silver knife, gold bowl, potion, and piece of parchment.

"Now, if you would cut your palm with the knife, and drop 7 drops in the bowl." He says. I nod and do as said. He pours the potion in the bowl, saying an enchantment, and pour the finished product on the paper. I quickly read it over and I let the tears fall.

How could Dumbledore do that to a small, innocent baby!

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