chapter 19

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Once Tom had found a shirt, he came down to the dining room and started eating breakfast with the rest of us. After we all ate, Tom lead us all into the meeting room where some of the Death-eaters were waiting around two cages that have been placed in the middle. He took his seat and instead of me sitting in his lap, I conjured myself a pillow and sat at his feet, leaning against his inner thigh. He looked down and smiled as he ran his fingers through my hair. I basically purred and closed my eyes at the amazing feeling.

"SEATS!" Tom yelled. You could hear the chairs scrape across the floor and people take their assigned seats. "Now, after the last meeting, something horrible has happened. One of our own elite had put my love in danger. They had hurt him and made him leave, while making it seem as though he left on his own accord. We have discovered the truth and the culprit. We also have one who had not checked if it was me before kicking my beloved out." there were a few hisses and people gave disgusted looks. Tom snapped his fingers and Bellatrix and the guard appeared in chains. She looked confident while the guard was shaking in fear. 

"M-my L-lord -"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME. YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO CALL ME LORD!" Tom yells and I let a small smile grace my lips. I have the best mate ever! I watch as Mother, Father, and Draco enter the room and stand in front of the two.

"I am not to leave my darling's side until I know that he is OK, so I have given the parents permission to have fun with the two." Tom says. I let out a small giggle as Bellatrix gives a small look of fear towards her sister. Father pecks mothers cheek and then takes his seat to the left of us and smiles down at me. Mother stands in front of her sister and Draco in front of the guard. Suddenly a scream pierces the air and I look at mom who has a glint in her eyes as Bella's eyes start to melt out of her head.

"No one hurts my little baby and gets away with it, not even my own flesh and blood." Mother says in a deathly calm voice. An even higher pitched scream fills the air as Draco cast the blood boiling and bone crushing curse on the guard. Draco just looks as if he was simply casting a simple spell and not basically killing someone. I stand up turn around and face Tom, giving him a kiss before I straddle his hips and lay my head on his chest. I didn't pay much attention for the whole five hours of torture, just looking at Tom, sharing sweet kisses, and taking a small nap. I was gently woken up by Tom.

"Would you like to do the honors?" He asks, pointing at the two who are begging to be killed. I think for a moment and whisper my plan to him, watching as he gets that evil look in his eye and kisses my cheek. "Bring in the wolf!" He yells. We had to keep Mooney away because he would have killed them immediately instead of dragging it out, so to bring and angered, impatient wolf with a mission; this will be fun! 

"Tom, how about when Mooney gets in here, put the three of them in a cage and let the two loose so we can watch!" I say as I give him puppy eyes. He chuckles and kisses my lips and nods. Mother and Draco come and stand beside Father as the doors open and Tom puts up a cage. Mooney looks around a first and then sees the two chained prisoners. Suddenly they are freed and they both back away from the bear-sized wolf. He slowly stocks them and licks his teeth. A loud howls rips through the room and he charges. The two split paths and try to get away, but Mooney gets the guards led and rips it off, spitting it out and hitting Bellatrix in the chest with it. She falls and tries to get the limb off her before the wolf can get close.The guard just gave up and laid on the ground so Mooney went over and bit his chest, leaving him to bleed out. He moves to  Bella and drags her to the middle by her hair, pinning her down with his paw. He transforms into Remus and pulls her head up, craning her neck.

"I hope you get what you deserve because even hell is a lot better than what you deserve." He growls while grabbing her throat and ripping it out. The room was deadly silent as Mooney turned back into a wolf and started to lick the blood off of his fur. Padfoot (Sirius is in dog form right now) goes over and starts to help his mate. I have a huge smile on my face and give Tom a big sloppy kiss on the cheek before going over to the two and scratching Mooney behind the ears. 


So . . .  how did I do? I think it was kind of terrible but it was the only thing I could think of. So, in the next chapter Draco meets his mate! I was honestly kind of shocked because a first everyone started to say the same person and then it suddenly changed and was a tie for while. 

Please check out my other story. I do not have anything posted yet because I first want to get and idea of what Harry's mate should look like. He is a demon prince (AKA the Devil) It is and Original character basically and I want Ideas! I hope to have this first book out of the series finished by November at the latest. 

Love you guys!

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