Chapter 35

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I sit on the edge of the hospital bed, gown on and Tom leaning his head on my thigh. I smile as I just run my fingers through is hair, massaging his scalp. He sighs and nuzzles his neck further into my hip. I giggle as his breath and stubble tickles my skin. He sits up as the doctor walks in with a clip boardand a broad smile on her face.

"well, I have good and bad news. " SHe says. I look kind of weary at her smile at the "Bad" news.  

"Bad news first. " I rush out. 

"Well, you wont  be sleeping for the next few years." She says. My eyes widen and I think Tom is gonna pass out. 

"W-whats wront?" I stutter. 

"Well, you are 1 month pregnant." 


I lay in our bed at Riddle Mansion, my hands resting on my stomach. I look up as Tom comes in with some fruit and cream cheese. 

"Here you go beautiful. " He says, setting the tray in my lap. 

"You still look a little pale. Eat or sit down before you faint again." I giggle. He scoffs. 

"I did not faint, I simply fell out of the chair and hit my head" He pouts. I giggle and peck his lips. 

"I still want you to eat someting." I say.He nods and comes back with a small cup of red litquid. 

"Happy."He says. I scrunch my nose and roll my eyes. I snuggle into his side and happilly eat my fruit. I smile as I keep replaying the news in my head. Im pregnant! I  was so estatic. I'm gonna have a little baby, a miniture Malfoy-Riddle running around. Someone to love and snuggle with when Tom has to work. 

"What do you think their going to be?"  I whisper. I look up to see him smile. 

"I want a little boy and then a little girl so she can have an older brother to protect her." He says. I smile and nod, liking the idea. Suddenly their was a knock on the door, Tom getting up to get it. Standing in the doorway was Neville with his mates Blaise and Luna. I smile as Luna runs in and lays her head on my stomach.

"Hello little tiny child. I am your Auntie! Your'e gonna be so beautiful and adorable just like your mother. You're gonna have your father smarts and might even get his temper. You are going to be loved and spoilt rotten!" She giggles and kisses my stomach. She stands up and smiles, but you can see the saddness in her eyes. She was unable to carry a child because Dumble passed a law saying that seerers can't bare children because the power drains with each generation. He even went so far as to have them "fixed".

"You are going to make a lovley god mother." I say. Her eyes fill with tears and she says a small thankyour before being taken to their room by her mates. I smile sadly at Tom who gives me a peck on the lips. 

"I will fix this as soon as I can. Promise. No one will have to deal with this again." He says. I nod and go back to eating my snack, waiting for next week. 


I know some of you may be upset that I did that to Luna, but you will understand shortly why I did. 

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