Chapter 31

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Hadrians POV

As we walk further into the woods, I feel more at ease because I'm surrounded by the scent of fellow animals. I relax and let my glamour fall so that my ears and tail are visable. I purr as Tom starts to scratch behind my ears. 

"I'm sad that I can't do this in class." He mumurs. I giggle and nuzzle my nose into his neck. He smells like mint and woods like he was out here earlier. 

"Where are you taking me?" I ask. He just smiles and continues walking. I just pout and huff. He chuckles and I stick my tongue out at him. He raises he eyebrows and we stop walking.

"And just what do you think gives you the right to sass me?" He says in a teasing tone. I timmidly repeat the action and let out a squeak when his teeth tug on it. His eyes have a smirk on them and my face heats up. He sucks it in his mouth as our lips mold together. I whimper as he pushes me up against a tree and pins my arms above my head. I close my eyes as he trails his lips against my neck, leaving marks. He kisses each an every one of them and slowly pulls away from me.  I let out a whine but we continue walking. 

"Are we there yet?" he nods and moves a patch of moss to the side to reveal a beautiful lake with candles and a small fire. 

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I gasp and look at Tom who has a small smile on his face

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I gasp and look at Tom who has a small smile on his face. 

"What is all this for?" I ask. He goes over and sits by the fire and pats next to him. 

"I just wanted to do something nice for you. We haven't been on a date since I proposed." He states. I walk over and instead of sitting where he patted, I plop down right in his lap and lean back against him. 

"Well, It's beautiful." I whisper. He wraps his arms around me and I lay my face in his neck. 

"I want to show you something else." He says. I get up and let him bring me to another small clearing and gasp. There, around a heart of candles, is a bed. "I thought that sleeping under the starts would be nice." He says. 

"Only sleeping, I'm still sore from these past few days." I say. He lets out a huff and I giggle. 

(Imagine more candles and bigger with the bed in the middle

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(Imagine more candles and bigger with the bed in the middle.)

He kisses the side of my neck and I go and crawl into the bed, snuggling under the covers

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He kisses the side of my neck and I go and crawl into the bed, snuggling under the covers. he smiles and get in next to me and pulls me closer to him. I basically lay across his body as I close my eyes and listen to his heart beat. 

"Good night." I mimble. 

"Good night, my little kitten." He whisper and kisses my head before we let sleep overtake us. 


Just thought that some fluff was needed before the next chapter. I love you gusy and always dramaticate

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