Chapter 27

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James Pov

I felt like I just wanted to die. My body hurt, my heart was aching for my daughter and sweet husband. I missed them both. Dumbledore wont tell me anything about my daughter, he just says shes safe and he will use her against me if he has to. I just want to hold my little baby girl in my arms. I never even got to see her. I only know my baby is a she because that's what Dumbledore said. 

I heard Bella talking to someone but i didn't have the energy so open my eyes. I felt two fingers pushed against my throat and wondered whose they were. I was too weak to even fight when i felt myself being lifted from the ground. I must have been dead because after 15 years trying to get out, nothing worked and it couldn't have been this easy.  I was lied down on something soft and comforting, which started to make me panic. It wasn't until i felt a soothing hand push my hair back and a kiss did i try to open my eyes. After 15 years, i still recognize those rough, chapped lips. I wanted to cry and wrap my arms around his neck, even if this was only a dream. I felt his presence disappear quickly and I wanted to cry out. 

It was some time later and I felt a different presence in the room also, one that seemed familiar yet foreign at the same time. I felt a hand on my forehead and gasped at the tingling sensation. I opened m eyes to see black ones staring at me, tears falling down his beautiful face. I smiled.

"Sev . . " He started to full out sob and he wrapped his arms around me. I held him close and prayed to God that this wasn't some sick joke. As we held each other, the door opened to show a confused Narcissa. She immediately rushed Severus out even though i wanted him to stay. She started to heal all the cuts and bruises. She couldn't get rid of the scars though. when she was done, i got up, against her wishes, and went to seek out my Mate. 

"I have a daughter?" he asks. 

"Yes, we have a daughter." I say. He turns around and looks at me. 

"Go sit down. Rest. You need to be in bed. Loin, please." He starts freaking out and I let a small smile grace my lips. I go and walk to his room, seeing as we are in the Hogwarts dungeons. I lay down on the left side while sev lays down beside me. I smile and he pulls me into his chest.

"I missed you. I tried so hard to be strong, i did, but my lion makes me strong." He says as he tries not to cry.  "I couldn't sleep facing your side of the bed, i had to put a charm on it so i wouldn't roll over onto it. I kept everything as it was, i never went in your study down the hall, i never even went back in our closet because it smelt like you. I didn't want to lose your smell. And now I know that we have a beautiful baby girl, i don't think i could be the dad she needs me to be." He is full on sobbing and clinging to me now. 

"well, I don't know who she is or where, but you will be the perfect father for her. I promise." I whisper as i kiss his forehead and we slip off into a dreamless sleep. Me and my husband. 

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