Chapter 24

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Fred's POV

I smile as I look down at George. I know that most people would find is wrong, but I have always found him attractive. Him being big and strong. I thought that something was wrong with me. I was too scared to talk to him about it. Then Draco came along and told us that we were both his mates. He said it was normal that we would have feelings for eachother since George is a dominate sub. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulder. I roll over and snuggle up to Draco as he sleeps. Small puffs of breath leave his parted lips and his nose scrunches up in the cutest way. I love the feeling of laying in the middle of both my dominates. I can feel the bond even though George and I are not creatures. 

"What are you thinking about, my little weasel?" I am startled by the sudden question and look to see Draco staring at me through sleepy eyelids. I blush at being caught and shake my head, telling him it is nothing. I snuggle closer and blush when George comes and spoons me from behind. 

"What time is it?" George groans as he snuggles closer to us. I blush even more when I realize that his hips are flush against my behind. Draco cast a tempus and tells us that it is noon. He goes to get up but I pull him down and lay my head back on his chest. I give him my best puppy eyes and he smiles down at me. 

"I guess you don't want to go and eat lunch with the other." Draco says. I nod and just snuggle closer. 

"What if they don't like me?" I whisper, hoping he would't hear. I hear a growl and i let out a small whimper. 

"If they don't they can shove it." He says. I feel George nod against my back. I feel a kiss placed on my forehead and I fall back asleep. 


Draco's POV

I look down as my little baby slept. I couldn't help but fume when he thought that my family wouldn't like him. How could one not like him. He is so adorable and bubbly. He could light up a whole room just by being in it. 

"I'm hugry." I hear George slur. I look over and see that Fred had turned around and cuddled into George. I nod and slowly slip out of bed to go tell my family that we were alive. As I make my way into the dining hall, I see Hadrian come out of his and Tom's room limping. I smirk and he glares when he sees me.

"Do not say a word about it." He growls out. I chuckle and stop when I see the ring that rest on his left finger. I gasp and grip his wrist before he can walk away.

"OH MY GOD! MY LITTLE BABY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED!" I yell. He smiles and nods. I squeal and give him a big bear hug. 

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