Chapter 8

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"That is not all. Withdraws from the Potter Vaults have been made. I am assuming that you have not given the following people the permission: Dumbledore, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Hermoine Granger, and money exchanged to muggle money, given to the Dursleys."

I let sobs rack my body as I realize that everything I have ever been told has been a lie. I turn into Tom's chest as my body shakes. 

"Shhh, kitten. It's ok. I won't let them hurt you ever again. I promise." He says.

"I kn-know. It j-just hurts." I sob out. He just continues to rub small, calming circles into my back. After a while when I had calmed down, I turn to the goblin who's giving me sympathetic looks. "Can you close their vaults that hold my money and i want interest. They are no longer allowed to touch my vaults and I want the Potter's goblin to be changed to you."

"Of course. Rip-claw will face dire consequences for allowing such actions. Mr. Malfoy, would you like to have the blocks and spells taken off or would you like to wander around for a little bit since it will be painful and you will most likely have to go home?" Griphook asks.

"How about we go and look around for a bit and then come back when we have everything?" I say, looking at Tom. He nods and we say our goodbyes for now. We go and meet Sirius, telling him everything. He goes to find Mooney while Tom and I walk around Knockturn Alley. The first store that we come across is a wand store. I walk in with him hot on my heels. 

"Well hello! How may I help you?" I turn to see a young man in his late 30's, brown hair, and green eyes.

"Yes, I have a feeling that I will need a new wand after I have some blocks and spells taken off." I say.

"OH! I can get you a new, right fitting wand without the blocks and spelling being taken off. Unlike my great grandpa who makes them before and they go with the best outside magical touch. I make mine from scratch that match the persons core deep down." He walks further into the store and we follow. We come upon a room full of rows of cushioned boxes with different types of wood, gems, vials, feathers, etc. "Just wave your hand over these woods and pick up the one that calls the most to you." He says while gesturing to a box. I approach and do as he says, running my hand over the objects. Suddenly, a strong pull comes from an old, splintered wood that has a grey color to it. I pick it up and the mans eyes widen.

"Is something wrong?" Tom asks.

"No, the complete opposite. That is from the ancient whomping willow. My ancestors have never used it to make wands because there hasn't been anyone worthy. It has been the only piece of wood harvested from any whomping willow." The man says. I can feel the blush rising in my cheeks and I look up the see Tom looking at me with an amazed look in his eyes. "Now, do the same exact thing over these few boxes." He says. There are seperate boxes for each different type of item. I felt a partial pull from three different items and I pick them all up . The mans eyes widen even more. " You have basalik venom, unicorn blood, and threstal hair." My eyes widen and I look at Tom to see him having a coughing fit. "This wand is more powerful than the Elder wand that was created by death himself."

"I-is there a-anything  else t-that I n-need?" I ask, stuttering in pure shock.

"Yes. You need to pick your design." he says. I nod and follow him to the front of the store. He pulls out a muggle binder with pictures of the different designs. 

"I want the one with the snake as a handle. I want it to have one red eye and one blue eye." I say. He nods and goes to go back before turning around. "I'll be done in about 20 mins if you want to go do something else." I nod and walk out of the store and head to the local pub to get something to eat. Tom pulls out my chair for me, taking a seat from across me. We order and halfway through our meal, I hear the voices of those who did me wrong.

"Mom, why is he being such a bastard. You promised me that I would be lady Potter."

"I know baby, Dumbledore said that he just needs to calm down. He said that Sirius is not someone that we need to worry about." Molly says.

"He is just being a spoiled prat and is just scared to date Ginny. He isn't good enough for my sister." Ron sneers.

"Can we go to the bank now, I want some more books and money to buy more clothes." Hermoine says. Ron hums and starts to bite at her neck.

"Sounds good to me. Maybe I can help you in the dressing room." he says. She giggles and shoves her tounge down his throat. I smirk when I get an Idea. I cast the Harry Potter glamour back on and softly walk over to where they are, out of sight but still able to be spotted by others.

"We just have to wait until after the war when he dies after he gets Ginny preganate and kills voldermort." Arthur says. I force tears to come to my eyes and approach them.

"W-what!" I choke out. There heads whip in my direction so fast that I almost broke my acting to laugh at them.

"HARRY!" Hermoine yells. 

"How could you! I trusted you!" I yell. I can see Tom snickering from where we were sitting. 

"Harry, we can explain. We knew you were there, we were just messing with you." She says. "You made a big deal about dating Ginny. I mean come on, you lied and said you were gay." She says.

"I am gay. I always have been and I always will be." I yell at them. Tom walk up and stands behind and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Love, whats going on? Are you OK?" He asks. I see Ginny sneer.

"How many love potions did you slip him just to get him into your bed?" she says. I scoff.

"None. Unlike some, I prefer to be loved and not have a mindless drone." He sneers.

"I love him for him. Get over it Ginny." I say. I pay for our food and drag Tom to the clothing store. "What. I snap as I start to grab clothes to try on. 

"So . . .

Cliffhanger! Don't hate me. The chapter was over 1130 words. 

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